ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Demoman  Mid/High Skill, 6v6

Germany BaywatchBois

Posted by meh: | Last Online:

We're looking the revive our little team with which we had lots of fun in the past seasons. The only missing player in our team is a demo. We are currently not planning on making this a full German team again, so any non-German players are free to sign up! A passive demo would be the best for the team, but maybe we can try with an aggressive one, but we can't promise anything.

We are trying to either win mid (or compete in high), we still have to decide on that, so please have mid or low high experiences before contacting us. People with no such experiences will have a lower priority over those who do. We plan on having 3-4 scrims per week with demo and map reviews, but we still have to decide on which days and time, so we can try and flex around with your time schedule. Please contact either TFL or Meh for any trials.

P.S. – German speaking players get an instant charisma point.

P.S.S – no "i focus hl"

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  1. taube: BWB said:

    meh LFP mid demo: what did u say when someone added you

  2. meh: 50829 said:

    Pige0n: “hey”

  3. Loco: Mayo said:

    Add me up if you want to trial free most nights my recruitment is alrdy on etf2l..cheers:)

  4. LinnyBoy: NtG said:

    I can trial as demoman. I can play 90% of the time unless something comes up. http://etf2l.org/forum/user/115159/