ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


ScoutSniper  Mid Skill, 2v2

International BBall ButtBuddies

Posted by toco: | Last Online:

LF Gold/Mid players to play in both ugc and etf2l, we're playing in the next ugc + etf2l season, be prepared for 2-3 scrims per week

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  1. Tuosan said:

    I’d like to play as a medic

  2. Emanuel#: MM said:

    If you need a Soldier or spy add me.

  3. hondjo: WEED said:

    Im here for the pyro slot. I am a friendly teamplayer who likes to learn more about the whole competitive scene. I am a little shy though so maybe thats something to know. Im from the netherlands and my English is 8/10

  4. Peaches said:

    I’d like to join, I have had a highlander experience for Spy and heavy, I’d prefer a heavy spot but I could play Heavy, Spy or Soldier. 

  5. ElazulTF2 said:


  6. based dinkster said:

    I could play spy, I’m pretty good and open to constructive criticism. I dont have any past comp experience but i’ve been practicing to join a team  

  7. Bread said:

    I could be a spy ^^
    Actually playing comp wasn’t my idea, it was my friend’s after watching me playing on some servers :3
    I don’t have any comp experience but I’d love to try.

  8. Scarry said:

    Looking for team. i have played for Frog Village(open) pretty well.