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SniperSoldier  High Skill, Highlander

England FrostByte

Posted: | Last Online:

Express not playing UGC so am looking for a team for S18
Plat / Gold don't really mind just want to play main
Sniper preferred but can play solly aswell

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:81566321 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left SAMII SHARTING SCHOOL [Highlander] samii
Joined SAMII SHARTING SCHOOL [Highlander] samii
Left RACOON [Highlander] FrostByte
Joined RACOON [Highlander] samii
Left Team Colonslash: Express [Highlander] FrostByte
Left reverto [6v6 Fun Team] christopher
Joined reverto [6v6 Fun Team] christopher
Left DA PIRATES [6v6 Fun Team] FrostByte
Left Five Pennies [6v6] jun0
Joined Five Pennies [6v6] Morrow
Left Team Colonslash: Noobas [6v6] FrostByte
Joined DA PIRATES [6v6 Fun Team] Useless
Joined Team Colonslash: Noobas [6v6] Useless
Joined Team Colonslash: Express [Highlander] Useless
Left Team Colonslash: Snowy [6v6] FrostByte
Left Devilz [Highlander] jaegeR
Joined Team Colonslash: Snowy [6v6] Piplup
Left Luminosity [6v6] FrostByte
Joined Devilz [Highlander] jaegeR
Left Team Colonslash: Ambition [Highlander] FrostByte
Joined Luminosity [6v6] Morrow
Left Team Colonslash: Snowy [6v6] FrostByte
Joined Team Colonslash: Snowy [6v6] Sigma
Left Sad Boys [6v6] FrostByte
Joined Team Colonslash: Ambition [Highlander] Sigma
Joined Sad Boys [6v6] Toasterino

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 0 236
View High 19 1100
View High 2 343
View High 27 881


  1. Simba said:

    hello this is simba here and that is frostbyte the sniper who is ok and good

  2. cloudy said:

    might commit sudoku midway through season (hope not though!!!)

  3. Waffy Wuck: TC - TC:A said:

    Happy Birthday!!!! :DDDDD Big Boy!!!

  4. Bat: TC: Ox - TC said:

    dont really come onto etf2l that often, however felt the need to log in just to say that u should pick this guy up b4 he picks ur med, top lad gr8 banter and aim

  5. ivan: TC said:

    i love sam soooooooo much

  6. Yxxo: TSM - pizza said:

    Frostbyte… In gold. Ezzzzz just wanna farm stranges. Give him plat

  7. Hammock: x22 - PitO. said:

    Has a nice unusual B)

  8. Simba said:

    ignore twitch chat, he is actually good

  9. Chime said:

    Definitely deserves a spot in plat.

  10. Popkern: BE. said:

    Can be a nice guy, looks to be a consistent good sniper too.

  11. Mora said:

    He is a nice guy and definitely a plat level sniper.

  12. Marv said:

    My hat is better.

  13. Spyro: (ETF2L Donator) - GIEL said:

    Prem Dung Beetle.

    Also a great sniper, throw him a trial for sure!

  14. Simba said:

    ^ khepri main no aim

  15. ivan: TC said:

    get him for your smite team