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Demoman  High Skill, 6v6

Georgia Scorpion

Posted: | Last Online:

strong aim, good calls

want play with strong team in this season!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:163791764 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Choking Hazard [6v6] Matek
Left Fine Christians [6v6] Scorpion
Joined Fine Christians [6v6] Dombasek
Left Choking Hazard [6v6] Scorpion
Joined Choking Hazard [6v6] Matek
Left MDMAzing [6v6] Scorpion
Joined MDMAzing [6v6] kren
Left Last Hopes [6v6] dududul POPOPOL
Joined Last Hopes [6v6] euthanasia
Left BtW we're mid [6v6] Scorpion
Joined BtW we're mid [6v6] roboprod
Left bully hunters [6v6] Scorpion
Joined bully hunters [6v6] inso
Left 68+1 [6v6] Scorpion
Joined 68+1 [6v6] Scorpion
Left Vintage [6v6] Scorpion
Joined Vintage [6v6] F2
Left Damage in Garage [6v6] Scorpion
Left utter devastation [6v6 Fun Team] Scorpion
Joined Damage in Garage [6v6] Scorpion
Left Death from Above [6v6] Samski
Joined Death from Above [6v6] Samski
Left Pistachios eSports [6v6] Scorpion
Joined Georgia [National 6v6 Team] Blinky
Joined utter devastation [6v6 Fun Team] Blinky
Joined Pistachios eSports [6v6] Tama
Left ==---== [6v6] Scorpion
Left UAPlayer [Highlander] Scorpion
Joined ==---== [6v6] op
Joined UAPlayer [Highlander] Ihor
Left Georgia [National Highlander Team] quintosh
Left Waterworks [6v6] quintosh
Left Georgia [National 6v6 Team] quintosh
Joined Waterworks [6v6] Collaide
Left Breaking Badlands [6v6] Scorpion
Joined Breaking Badlands [6v6] Captain Cucumber
Left no name yet [6v6] Scorpion
Joined no name yet [6v6] Blinky
Joined Georgia [National 6v6 Team] Bery
Joined Georgia [National Highlander Team] Bery
Left Release the Kritz! [6v6] Scorpion
Joined Release the Kritz! [6v6] sorsa

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem/High 0 165
View Prem/High 2 425
View Prem/High 14 667
View Prem/High 6 615
View Prem/High 7 842
View Prem/High 9 1373
View High 2 504
View High/Mid 12 900
View High 7 818
View High 14 1348
View Prem/High 5 1050
View Prem/High 15 1693
View High/Mid 4 669
View Prem 101 7577
View High/Prem 33 2628
View High 1 532
View High 18 1492
View High 2 1074
View High 6 1081
View Div 3 16 793
View Div 3/Div 4 36 1228
View Div 3/Div 4 8 739


  1. Yodo said:

    Great demo, always online and nice DM.

  2. marten: TBC said:

    one of the better georgian hackers

  3. Casino said:

    Good demo, seems nice enough from the time I’ve spent playing mixes with him. High is about the right skill level.

  4. Blinky said:

    I’ll describe him shortly to avoid “tldr” :

    Is a nice guy in general, some people might consider him as salty, that’s peobably because he takes game too serious, which is good if u ask me.

    Dm wise hes decent enaugh, might even carry with good dm support.

    New team might look at his team history, which might only tell that he is being underrated.

    Conclusion; If you are looking for a great dm demo who takes this game too seriously (that kind of people are rare nowdays) then you just need to add him.

  5. Jaegerbot: LAW said:

    Amazing demoman, very few demomen in TF2 that I honestly would rate above him & he has much room from improvement being in higher tier teams, he can be salty but if you’re an elitist like me you expect the best from the people around you, you can be labelled salty for taking the game seriously but I think that’s the type of person you would like on your team if you want to win games. He will always provide your team with an advantage regardless of who he’s playing against. He’s easily low teir prem on demoman & capable of being up there with the best with more experience in prem/high teir games, easily top tier high demo. 10/10 would recruit into low teir prem/high teir high teams.

  6. Nechi: TEZC said:

    amazing player

  7. Meeto said:

    One of the strongest demo’s I’ve ever played again, ez high.

  8. Vitilumi: tbd said:

    Very good Demo!

  9. Pipoex: 68+1 said:

    chqimi yle

  10. Aaron said:

    Pipe Jesus, just less Spanish.

  11. Pipoex: 68+1 said:

    best margalian demoman i have ever seen
    chqimi kochi,chiqmi yle

  12. sorsa: mooz said:

    He’s a god.

  13. Bery: Seizs - LoL said:

    one of the players, that take game very seriously and want to be very best. he’s insulting, he’s salty, rager, but he’s good at this game, has the sickest Demoman aim for a high level and if you’ll not give him reason to rage, he will be doing all the work for team with +5 player support without any loud word. has potential to carry and become easy prem player. you definitely should take him for at least trial, I won’t talk more about his game sense and aim, you should check yourself.

  14. Snowmau5 said:

    he is ridiculously strong, after 1 year of ban(actually he was banned not for any “cheating” but for his retarded friend’s silly joke), he literally practiced everyday and i can proudly say he is literally prem demo, any team who wants to grind prem next season, should absolutely pick him, he has huge gamesense, awesome aim and is literally always online. glgl

  15. squirrel_BVC: doggo - [DA] said:

    got it guys,

    Scorpion- Demo
    R.E.M- Med
    Bona- Solly
    Teapot- Solly
    Jaegerbot – Scout
    Funs- Scout

    The most dedicated group of gamers ever assembled. 10/10 ez prem. Someone make it happen

  16. Collaide said:

    Snowmau5: He’s good and fit for high, but not prem. you’re overestamating him here.

    Overall a nice guy and a good demo, might have slight issues with the english language here and there but shouldn’t be a problem.

  17. Leyo: Z&Co said:

    kind guy
    much skillz
    gl my friend

  18. JnN: RS said:

    sick dm

  19. Blinky said:

    Forgot to mention that he’s utter crap at cs:go

  20. Scorpion: Choke said:

    heh nigga

  21. bluR-: Pander said:


  22. Bery: Seizs - LoL said:

    agreed with blinky, crap– at cs:go,
    also, friendly bump

  23. Scorpion: Choke said:


  24. Aron said:

    Absolute carry, very friendly and merced everytime I asked him to :) Very reliable and strong player!

  25. Scorpion: Choke said:


  26. alohaalt said:

    I dont like him, but ya (Strong negro !) :)

  27. Tama said:

    simply op

  28. Scorpion: Choke said:


  29. Scorpion: Choke said:


  30. Lanzer: traphouse - DBLE said:

    SCORPION = STRONGEST, if u dont pick him u r an idiot :XXX

  31. Scorpion: Choke said:


  32. dragon_slayer72: SENS said:

    shits on the other team pick him up

  33. .pandemiC: 43 said:

    Seeing him everywhere
    From what i’ve seen he has sick dm and has very clear comms.
    Definetely a must pick demo ^^


  34. Scorpion: Choke said:


  35. Scorpion: Choke said:


  36. Scorpion: Choke said:


  37. Scorpion: Choke said:


  38. Scorpion: Choke said:


  39. Scorpion: Choke said:


  40. Scorpion: Choke said:
