ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


EngineerHeavyPyro  Open Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom $ Mixtapes $

Posted by gamma: | Last Online:

Banterous TF2 team needs three classes as subs – Engie, Heavy and Pyro. You don't need prior experience of comp, but we do expect a certain level of skill nonetheless! The season is coming, brothas…

We ask that:
– You have mumble, a mic, and know how to communicate
– Dedication! You might not get to play officials every week, but we do expect you to be available, and you will play scrims!
– Skillz (I'll trial you)

I suggest you add me (systole) if you're interested in the spots, as I might forget to check this post! :)

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  1. SK: MMM said:

    I’d be intrested in the Engi-spot

  2. Alex said:

    Hey. Pyro main here. I have 600 hours as Pyro, 2400 hours in TF2 and have done 400+ lobbies. I’m very good at staying with and protecting the combo, destroying scouts, spies and soldiers and getting those sick reflects.

    Add me on http://steamcommunity.com/id/alexqwx if you want to discuss my possible position on your team.

  3. Whats it to ya said:

    Dear mix tape am good engineer with over 72 on just him plz reply if needed also will do well at attacking engineer as well as defensive

  4. Harry said:

    Hey I can play any clas exspept enji looking to start compet!
    Been playing for about 3 years now just looking for a team to inprove me as a player and team member

  5. Harry said:

    Hey I can play any clas exspept enji looking to start compet!
    Been playing for about 3 years now just looking for a team to inprove me as a player and team member

    I forgot to say my steam name is OXO

  6. Chef said:

    I’d be intrested in the Engi-spot
    I Main Engineer (+)
    I never play HL before (-)
    I’m good as Engi (+)
    I learn very fast so you can teach me all you want before season
    Have Mumble (+)

    Steam profile : http://steamcommunity.com/id/ChefGaming/