ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Open/Mid Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom The Dream Meme Team

Posted by Nelson: | Last Online:

We are looking for anyone with the skills of playing tf2 competitive. We would need people to have 100+hrs on tf2 to show competence and knowledge of the game. We will be willing to train users in any class they wish, as long as they know a bit of that class and are willing to get good. Add me on steam if interested.

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  1. [ ] said:

    Not that I necessarily want to join your team over any team, but since I’ve never been into comp even though I have 2700+ hrs in this game, I’d love to know how to get into lobbies. I know what it is, but no one ever asked me about it, unfortunately. It seems like it’s pretty much a requirement if anyone wants to join a team. Also, are lobbies restricted to 6on6 classes, or you can play as other classes (in my case, pyro)

  2. Zoop: Arr! said:

    Uh… 100 hours is nothing

  3. Brizzon said:

    I would like to join as Sniper or Scout but would prefer Sniper.
    Iam going to add u on Steam as soon as iam home.

  4. Heavy Soldier Guy said:

    I would like to join as a medic. I’ve started comp not long ago but i have 1000+ on tf2 but mostly as a pub medic. I have played 8 highlander matches and 1 6v6. If you already have a medic i can play as soldier if you need me too. Hopefully you read this and and take into thought about me joining. Hope to see you

  5. shrimpton: 8===D said:

    Would like to join. I main pyro but can also play engineer reasonably well. 550+ hours

  6. Pootisingo said:

    So I would like to join your team!
    1000 hours +
    Mains everything (expect spy)
    Has pretty good knowledge and skills
    Has a binded lenny face in game
    I hope you accept me.

  7. Pronessf: [DMT] said:

    I can play all classes reasonably well, except for demo and pyro. I have around 700 hours in TF2. Hope you can accept me.

  8. sweg™ said:

    I would like to join ur team!
    close to 1000 hours
    Would like to take ur Heavy spot
    And i would like to show you my heavy skillz in a lobby
    Please accept!

  9. Maddisch: SeG said:

    I would like to join as spy, i got competetiv experience and quite alot hours, already added you :D

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