ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Pyro  Mid Skill, Highlander

European AMENO

Posted by Ducky: | Last Online:

AMENO Is a mid Highlander team looking for a main pyro

We are aged 17+ and all speak English

We play seriously however out side scrims we have a laugh with each other and play other games!

We have our own mumble server


1. Aged 16 +
2. Able speak English fluently
3. You can join and use Mumble
4. You have 1000 or more Hours in tf2
5. You can take criticism
6. You are willing to learn
7. Have experience in highlander (THIS IS A MUST)
8. Have a decent microphone
9. Don't be a Muppet!

(We will trial you in scrims not in lobbies we don't care if you have 1000 lobbies player or 0)

Please add me (Ducky) or Stoge for any more information or to join

Thanks Ducky<3


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