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Scout  Mid Skill, 6v6

England evans

Posted: | Last Online:

pretty keen scout looking for a good mid team for s22

can call and prefer to play around the combo

available every day at the moment

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:110939750 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left bedseekers [6v6] evans
Joined Cult of Ivan [Highlander] ivan
Joined bedseekers [6v6] MARKO
Left nunya [LAN Team] evans
Left UNBELIEVABLE JEFF [2v2] evans
Left Animate [6v6] evans
Left Gorgeous Gamers [6v6 Fun Team] Sodium
Left England [National 6v6 Team] Starkie
Joined Animate [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left The Baboons [6v6] evans
Joined The Baboons [6v6] rivka
Left Animate [6v6] evans
Joined nunya [LAN Team] Condawg
Joined Animate [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left inVision [Highlander] evans
Left Dead eSports [6v6] evans
Joined Dead eSports [6v6] ash
Left bedseekers [6v6] evans
Joined bedseekers [6v6] MARKO
Left Bring On Trump [6v6] evans
Joined Bring On Trump [6v6] Phnx
Joined inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Joined England [National 6v6 Team] Starkie
Left ==---== [6v6] evans
Joined ==---== [6v6] op
Left ==---== [6v6] evans
Joined ==---== [6v6] op
Left Dodging Bullets [6v6] evans
Joined Dodging Bullets [6v6] doks
Left IDM [6v6] evans
Joined Gorgeous Gamers [6v6 Fun Team] Frysk
Joined IDM [6v6] kuma'
Left Erection Masters [6v6] evans
Joined Erection Masters [6v6] guraoz
Joined UNBELIEVABLE JEFF [2v2] mangoo
Left Family friendly gaming [6v6 Fun Team] evans
Left Zoids Guys [6v6] evans
Joined Family friendly gaming [6v6 Fun Team] Maltek
Joined Zoids Guys [6v6] Zoidberg
Left Featuring [6v6] evans
Joined Featuring [6v6] tristan
Left Back to Last [6v6] evans
Joined Back to Last [6v6] kanza
Left Ready Up [6v6] evans
Joined Ready Up [6v6] VanguardDLK
Left Übermensch [6v6] evans
Joined Übermensch [6v6] Maltek
Left Rusty Spanners [Highlander] evans
Joined Rusty Spanners [Highlander] evans

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View High/Mid 2 434
View High 12 959
View Mid 7 670
View Div 6 0 428


  1. wardemon: myx said:

    sick scout top mid

  2. fkp said:

    if phrenic looking for low high, i think, evans is good enough for mid-high team

  3. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    big talent

  4. VanguardDLK: lolhl said:

    Trust me: pick this guy up before some other team does, because you definitely do not want to play against him.

    Carried the shit out of me in his first proper season and has continued to make me wonder “Is this kid even human?” when watching him play ever since.

    Lovely guy too.

    Undersells himself in my opinion, could honestly play High for the right team.

  5. AB said:


  6. kuma': kanye said:

    ez high

  7. dancefloor: longboy - STACK said:

    ‘ I think the one word, the single word in the English alphabet that really fits Evans, it has to be ‘carry’. ‘

  8. Ziggy Stardust said:

    almost as good as me

  9. Nechi: TEZC said:

    good player pick him :D

  10. Feyne: NASA said:

    good dm

  11. Phrenic said:

    I agree with fkp, high and a huge carry.

  12. squirrel_BVC: doggo - [DA] said:

    Scrimed against him for 2 seasons, christ he’s a pain in the ass to play against. Very good dm scout, better than alot looking for high atm, pick him up before someone else does.

  13. krtz said:

    This guy is the peanut to my butter, the semen of my ejaculation. Theres no reason why u cant him

  14. evans: TC said:

    ok krtz

  15. Simply™ Bob™ said:

    Really, really strong scout, he’s high material, pick him up before anybody does.

  16. evans: TC said:

    got a few trials thanks dudes

  17. Silentes: wG said:

    sick scout with huge potential would pick him up

  18. switch: longboy said:

    everybody knows that evans carry, it’s just common knowledge, pick him up or he’ll probably send you to your maker in another team :7

  19. GBD: Da said:

    nice guy, good player, good luck!

  20. mrwhizz said:

    noway, he is good AND english?

    easily high