ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Open Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom Dick-Mashing-Assasins

Posted by B-Shake: | Last Online:

Looking for subs for all classes selected. Add me on steam if interested. :D

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  1. SkyBoy said:

    Hello Im Artur and I main spy. I am looking to join this team. I have 400 hours of spy, 300 on this account and 100 on my f2p account. I have experience in tf2centre lobbies and usually score highly on these and do very well. I fully understand the spy highlander role. I have a microphone and mumble. I listen to my team very heavily. I am 14 (not a squeaker) from London and I speak fluent english. I have a good internet connection and do not lag. I spend a lot of my time practicing to get good at spy and about 300 hours have been solid practice while 100 may have been other/messing around. I am friendly and do not swear or get upset on the microphone and I am mature. Add me on steam ☆SkyBoy☆ if you are interested. I am free on weekends and can make it on weekdays but require future notice. I can make it this week but will not be able to play this summer. However i can normally make it during the weekends.

  2. Toxic: Brony said:

    I would Like to sub demo. I hv had a lot of exp with demo. bbut lately my internet has been going crazy so I’m in the game as a sub. I hv had over 700 hours and is willing to play as A demo, or Medic

  3. *lenny face*: [DMT] said:

    Hey I’m Brandon and I main as Medic. I am looking to get into competitive game play. I have all the skills required to lead as medic, I feel medic is very important as a class to control the flow of game play. I can follow orders and will be available to play everyday. I am 15 and live in south west England.

    Steam Name: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/WTFreezer

  4. D0|\\|@t - !*@|\: FT | said:

    A not so bad spy looking for a team to scrim with and get better.
    I have 275 hours on spy, 350 lobbies and going up. I have played on 2 teams as main spy and 1 team as a spy sub.
    If you are interested please add me on steam or ask me to add you.

  5. Mr.Dopp said:

    Hiya :3
    I’m dopp, I main scout, soldier and medic. My best class is soldier, I prefer to play as a roamer but I can be a pocket too but I enjoy playing the medic most. My playtime is +500 hours but I don’t have any competetive experience so I’ve only been playing pubs A.k.a I’m a publa hero. So add me if you are interested and I would like to play main roamer


  6. Mr.Dopp said:

    Ohwait this is highlander so ignore all the roamer and pocket stuff :c

  7. B-Shake: TTR said:

    Add me if you’re interested, I only have 100 hours and I thought this was going to fail but maybe not XD

  8. B-Shake: TTR said:

    Donat sorry I already have a spy

  9. fairstrats said:

    Hi I am new in joining a team
    I have 135 lobies and 2000 hours in tf2
    I whould like to play scout demo or pyre ( my best class is scout)

  10. MineMcGruff said:

    Yo, I can play engie really well,but can sub other classes with around the same competence.I Really am aspiring to play Competitive since the new Gun mettle update, and thus i really need to get experience in the competitive side. Hope you pick me for the engie role, or at least for tryouts.

  11. B-Shake: TTR said:


  12. Cpt.Sneaky said:

    Hi, I would like to be a Pyro Main/Sub.

    I Have:
    26 lobbies played (but I’m still very good)
    1787 hours on Team Fortress 2
    Experience in team-play

    Add me plz