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Engineer  High/Prem Skill, Highlander

Wales RTC

Posted: | Last Online:

Both Calle and Musa will be playing for Megakillerz next season, and being a substitute for a substitute means almost zero playtime, so I'm ideally targeting either a main spot in a strong High team, or a substitute spot in a low/mid Prem team. I don't want to sub in High or main in a lower div, so please don't give me those offers.

First two logs are from the High officials I played last season, the rest are an assortment of scrims against strong High teams, and I think there's a Prem level scrim there too.



What I can offer:
Regular calls on the flank.
Strong gamesense, and vastly improved DM from last season.
A high passion to improve both as an individual player and with the team.

Note: Last season was very hectic for me due to a lot of IRL complications, most of which have been resolved now. That was the primary reason I didn't play as often as I could have.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:91206709 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left The Small Council [6v6] RTC
Left Open Sesame [Highlander] RTC
Joined The Small Council [6v6] RTC
Left TriggerHappyGamers [6v6] RTC
Joined Open Sesame [Highlander] MEGA BABOON
Joined TriggerHappyGamers [6v6] MIG
Left Wales [National Highlander Team] RTC
Left Budget Toucans [Highlander] RTC
Left Right To Censor [1v1] RTC
Left Furfags [6v6] RTC
Joined Budget Toucans [Highlander] proky
Left The Bureau [Highlander] RTC
Left Furfags [6v6 Fun Team] RTC
Joined Furfags [6v6] RTC
Left The TurboTabs Fan Club [6v6] RTC
Joined Furfags [6v6 Fun Team] RTC
Joined The TurboTabs Fan Club [6v6] TheMeerCat
Left AND WE'RE JAVERT [6v6 Fun Team] RTC
Left International Oral Sex [6v6] RTC
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Left Cult Of Personality [Highlander] RTC
Joined AND WE'RE JAVERT [6v6 Fun Team] RTC
Joined Cult Of Personality [Highlander] RTC
Left Release [Highlander] RTC
Joined International Oral Sex [6v6] Meeto
Joined Release [Highlander] potte
Left The Bureau [Highlander] RTC
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Left The German Intuition [6v6 Fun Team] RTC
Left Fraggle Rock [6v6] RTC
Joined Fraggle Rock [6v6] RTC
Left Waynes World [2v2] RTC
Left We are Wizards [6v6] RTC
Joined The German Intuition [6v6 Fun Team] foungi
Left Captain LANet [LAN Team] RTC
Joined We are Wizards [6v6] Warped
Left Cobra Command [6v6] RTC
Left Strong Opinions [Highlander] RTC
Joined Waynes World [2v2] RTC
Joined Wales [National Highlander Team] $neaky
Joined Captain LANet [LAN Team] RTC
Joined Cobra Command [6v6] RTC
Left The Engineer Apostles [6v6] RTC
Joined Strong Opinions [Highlander] RTC
Left The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Joined The Engineer Apostles [6v6] RTC
Joined Right To Censor [1v1] RTC
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Mid/Open 1 486
View Mid/Open 0 179
View Mid/Open 3 314
View Mid/Open 3 355
View Mid 2 527
View Mid 8 785
View High/Prem 1 262
View High 6 575
View Open/Mid 9 713
View Open/Mid 12 819
View High 65 2114
View High/Prem 11 687
View Open/Mid 3 646
View High 39 1045
View Open/Mid 5 437
View Mid/High 14 709


  1. Nesh said:

    cool guy, worth trialing prem/high.

  2. Chronos: BMS said:

    16:26 – RTC ❥: Would really appreciate a comment =): http://etf2l.org/recruitment/215559/
    16:27 – Chronos ❤ Myth: what do you want me to say?
    16:27 – RTC ❥: don’t care
    16:27 – Chronos ❤ Myth: ok

  3. Piplup: TC said:

    Great guy, definitely worth a trial :3

  4. RTC said:

    yes, i spammed my friends list

  5. a. larry said:

    16:28 – RTC ❥: dgaf, you can call me a furfag cunt
    prem a bit of a stretch but probably solid for bottom-mid high
    furfag cunt

  6. Devon: BMS said:

    sick logs fam. would recommend. probably better than funs on scout on a good day.

  7. Funs said:

    16:26 – RTC ❥: Would really appreciate a comment =): http://etf2l.org/recruitment/215559/
    16:29 – Funs mix: what do you want me to say?
    16:30 – RTC ❥: 16:26 – RTC ❥: Would really appreciate a comment =): http://etf2l.org/recruitment/215559/
    16:27 – Chronos ❤ Myth: what do you want me to say?
    16:27 – RTC ❥: don’t care
    16:27 – Chronos ❤ Myth: ok

  8. scrambled: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Rec post history.


    RTC has multiple personality disorder, one is a prem engineer, the other is like div 5 and wants to improve.

    His old rec posts have a combined total of 4026 views.

  9. Reinelk: BMS said:

    RTC ❥: Would really appreciate a comment =): http://etf2l.org/recruitment/215559/
    Rain Dancer: Anything in particular?
    RTC ❥: don’t mind brother
    16:26 – RTC ❥: Would really appreciate a comment =): http://etf2l.org/recruitment/215559/
    16:29 – Funs mix: what do you want me to say?
    16:30 – RTC ❥: 16:26 – RTC ❥: Would really appreciate a comment =): http://etf2l.org/recruitment/215559/
    16:27 – Chronos ❤ Myth: what do you want me to say?
    16:27 – RTC ❥: don’t care
    16:27 – Chronos ❤ Myth: ok

  10. chando said:

    top engie, probably prem capable:)

  11. ArchAngel said:

    Certainly worth a trial.

  12. Meeto said:

    16:26 – RTC ❥: Would really appreciate a comment =): http://etf2l.org/recruitment/215559/
    16:48 – The Sweet Tang of Chippies: what do you want me to say?
    16:49 – RTC ❥: something something deox something or other

    Hello, RTC, I am your boyfriends tummy…uuungh, chippieeeees….give me chippies.
    You have returned…my naaame is Mr Tummy…Harry, I ask not for many things, but for the sweet tang of chippies. Why do you not bring me chippies Harry? I just want some chippies. I can bring you hats, the finest unusuals, all I want is some chippies. Chippies for ME! MR TUMMY!

    They were the wrong Chippies Harry! I wanted the other kind of chippies! Now you must get the right chippies! Chippies for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  13. Jelly: (°)> said:


  14. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    Don’t understand what are the logs proving about exactly, but he’s a solid high engineer from my experience.

  15. Halliwedge said:

    RTC, Real Time Cancer, Is a great spy main, his plays match that of Stabby Stabbu.
    Could go prem if he wants but he feels like it would be unfair on his opponents. So he plays most Officals is if it was a valve pub server.

    = ͡° ᴥ ͡°= he’s good bro.

  16. RTC said:

    wrong, my play style was actually inspired by descarecrow

  17. Hammock: x22 - PitO. said:

    Good Engie, Upwardly Mobile

  18. Royal Flush: A Dillion - beans said:

    good engineer and a nice guy as well. Certainly high and probably would be a good sub for prem teams considering his devotion to the game

  19. Raptor: BTWFC - S-O said:

    RTC ❥: Would really appreciate a comment =): http://etf2l.org/recruitment/215559/

    I dont know why you would post logs on a recruitment post as engineer, engineer is one of the classes you cant say how good a person is (except its koth or maybe 5cp)
    As i remember a solid high engineer
    I think prem is too high
    But yeah what do i know
    gl finding a team

  20. Raptor: BTWFC - S-O said:

    Correction: I dont know why you would post logs on a recruitment post as engineer, engineer is one of the classes you cant say how good a person is FROM LOGS (except its koth or maybe 5cp)

  21. Nik: MEGA$$ said:

    please posting logs on rec posts just makes me cringe

    a nice guy and a good pick for high, prem? i dont know, then again I made it to prem somehow so what do you know these days.

  22. scrambled: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    http://logs.tf/892533?highlight=76561198058283562 prem heavy pick me up

  23. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:


  24. Nik: MEGA$$ said:


  25. dias: ANIMA said:


  26. Feri: MF said:

    http://logs.tf/818808?highlight=76561198041155486 prem pyro pick me up

    aaanyway as I said in RTC’s previous rec posts: lol hl

  27. RTC said:

    Some people are interested in logs, it’s just a confirmation that I can play at a strong High level.

  28. EksDi said:

    Seems nice enough and is obviously fairly autistic, what more could you want for high level tf2?

  29. Doom said:

    really nice guy, regular game of thrones memes

  30. DyaWyb: (ETF2L Donator) - Let it rip said:

    Should be able to handle high but please give him a main spot on high so he plays one season fully and dosent rosterride ! :)

  31. Condawg: DTR said:

    good for high

  32. Albertt said:

    Engi legend

  33. RTC said:

    Bump, started to get back to speed after the new update, will be willing to play the RETF2 finals for anyone tomorrow also.

  34. ElazulTF2 said:

    Finals are not tomorrow

  35. RTC said:

    I’m talking about the quarters and semis.