ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


EngineerHeavySoldierSpy  Mid Skill, Highlander

European DELTΔ CΔT

Posted by Ludde: | Last Online:

Looking for a Steel/Silver (mid) Engie and Heavy and Soldier for this UGC and ETF2L season and forward
(Also looking for a Sub Spy at Silver/Mid level)

You should be nice and active. Speak good english and have a good mic.

Above age 15 please.

Add me c:

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View Mid 3 279
View Mid 1 84
View Open/Mid 1 182


  1. Chronos: BMS said:

    Good, active team. Keen to improve and full of talented, ambitious players :)

  2. Knightfall said:

    I can play Engineer.

    I have a good Mic.

    I’m fluent at English but i’m 13 and from Iraq.

    Doesn’t matter.

    Add me Leader.

  3. Capu said:

    They have ambition to go up, so give them a try.

  4. Rhinosaur: [N☼J] said:

    A nice team full of nice people, definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for a team!

  5. Exze: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    A long lasting team, with plenty of great people. They have high skill levels and determination, and it’s been a pleasure scrimming against them in the past :)

  6. chando said:

    They are a team.

  7. Slappy: ˙❤‿❤˙ said:

    A nice team with out doubt, they’re all friendly, having ambitions for going up, they’re fresh to do a ton of fun after their scrims/officials which i love instead of all this ”Scrim > done” stuff, i can only say that they’re worth checking out. PS ”Say something nice.” Done ETF2l.org :)

  8. Ludde said:

    Sorry Knightfall, you’ll have high ping so yaeah..

  9. david said:

    Are you guys still looking for an engie? I could play for you, hit me up :)

  10. Maclin: meer) said:

    Eh, if you’re looking for subs, I can play solly (as well as scout and sniper, possibly spy, at mid level). Look at my recruitment post if you’re interested: http://etf2l.org/recruitment/215516/

  11. Doom said:

    Nice guys :)