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ScoutSoldier  Prem Skill, 6v6

Seychelles Wonderland

Posted by Graba: | Last Online:


Welcome, we need SUB scout and SUB soldier in case some of our amazing teammates is unavalible to play. We could get a merc but why not to take someone for Prem ride hm ? :-)

be consistent, friendly, talkative person with good monitor so we can make sure you ll click and tryhard properly.


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  1. skyro: #SaveMelee said:


  2. Pete_: PrettyGay said:

    PLEASE ADD ME GRABA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

  3. Bona: PMW said:


  4. PdH said:

    its a meme

  5. wonszu said:

    get your own life rofl

  6. Bona: PMW said:

    make sure you don’t fake quit them team either kids or papa graba will haunt you dreams ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  7. 1pt: CC said:

    Pls graba, I want de prem

  8. AB said:

    papa graba ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  9. Karx: EPP - ㄕサ said:


  10. wonszu said:

    like really, Bona and teapot, get your own life, stop stalking graba.

  11. Lupus: L_? said:

    I had to make sure that Autism guy wasnt Bonas alt with a name like that

  12. wonszu said:

    ^ I laughed so hard right now XD

  13. Popcorp said:

    I see that Wonszu’s ego has significantly grown after he came into Prem, not surprised.

  14. RTC said:

    how is wonszu being egotistical?

  15. wonszu said:

    It didnt grow. You really dont know me. It’s really funny to see peoples like Bona etc. shitposting like this.

  16. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:


  17. Hank: FAINT said:

    its getting really old that people posting shit of wonderlands players (that they dont even know) + people whining that graba/wonderland made it in to prem (they won fair and square the premiership playoffs) And most of u guys posting shit of wonderland here and on the forums are players that dont even know graba or wonderland and play open/mid level and dont know anything about the players or the team


  18. Popcorp said:


    And you’re responding to these shitposts, by replying to them, you automatically accept the challenge of who is going to shitpost the most, even if Bona is shitposting, a simple ignore would be enough, by responding you just spawn more drama and then you tell people to stop shitposting…Show some maturity, if you think they are wrong what they say here, it’s their own opinion, they say this team is shit cuz lol graba, ok it’s their opinion.

    You keep on replying and you will receive more shitposts, I don’t see anyone else from your team apart from you replying to all this hate, so either keep on doing what you’re doing now or just shut up. Thx.

  19. wonszu said:

    Popcorp, im not this kind of person, who will sit silent while reading this type of bullshit ;)

  20. Popcorp said:

    Then “It didnt grow. You really dont know me. It’s really funny to see peoples like Bona etc. shitposting like this.”

    It’s your fault, stop complaining that people are shittalking you and your team if you don’t have the guts to even tolerate all of this. As I said, the more you respond to the hate, the more you will receive, so it’s essentially your fault.

  21. Bona: PMW said:

    Real drama provoking vs. Lupus “xD I TOTALLY DID IT TO START DRAMA”
    Wonszu might need a class in detecting the differences ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  22. wonszu said:

    Rofl, im not talking only what lupus did, im talking about your previous behavior, when we won qualifiers. You’re really mentaly retarded m8

  23. Dennia: FAINT said:

    AYY LMAO AYY LMAO AYY LMAO AYY LMAO AYY LMAO. le kek so kek dae le thanks lori? xD ftw le really really like this image xP why cant scruffy marry le 12 year old xDxDxD tfw no gf :P DAE LITERALLY WHO? I LOVE YOU JESUS CHRIIIIIIIIIIIIIST jam of a lifetime haha nice mememusic pleb i tip my fedora to you, fine gentlemen le real men dont listen to le dadrock xD fuck reddit!!!!! dae vaporwave lel epic!!!!!! ;p 300 LIKE THE ROMANS!! xDDDDDD, sent ;)! xD, JENNY DEATH WHEN?!?!??!, le epic tripfriend! whos your waifu? le epic MAC DEMARCO GOOFBALL!!!! le epic patrician here, ama :D, death grips is ICP? keke ebin… HES POINTING AT US :D XDDDDD, best new post, lelele so much kek FLAC FTW vinyl!!!!!11 dae le weebteam? ;D le k-on ftw! epic memes, us /mu/tants huh!? ]:) tips fedora, whats essential fedoracore? LE BACK TO /POL/ MEME wow memez? FLEX UR MUSCLES! 8D what.cd :))))))) THE FACT THAT SO MANY BOOKS……… le meme grips (im a memer) dae le fantano!!! MELON :dd dae feels? le sad frog faec. ALL RAP IS MEMERAP, REPORTED FOR VIRAL MARKETING dae le Antz!? PRO-TIP: YOU CAN’T XDddddd!!!111 haha le Beatles are underrated dae le CLT le dubs goy! le hehehehehehe….. pitchfork general @:=] 8.7 xd le why dont you kids like the tool? is this a le new meme!?!?! screen capped for that sweet memeing xD. inside is yellow :) WHEN I WAS!!!!!1 i used to be a pleb now im le p4k patrician : THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST top kek, toppest of keks, le inside is yellow? hahahaha le 3×3 thread. fucking epic ass meme i love that fucking meme so much man wait let me just plays trout mask replica : rips a bong AHHHHHHHH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dae trap influenced beats and FARTY SYNTHS yo man 311 – Down is in town 3 1 1 – D O W N breaks glass EEEEEEEEEEEbin simply E B I N, literally eb: the in xD haha TIME MACHINE MODULUS, hey this isn’t cringe it’s actually quite good xDD that sure hit the spot ok now repeat that fucking epic ass M E M E haha us /mu/tants amirite :)

  24. Lupus: L_? said:

    fu Dennia you made me read all that ;(

  25. Graba: TCM - ㄕサ said:

    Hey this is recpost friends.

    BY trying to defend me you’re actually only giving haters an argument to shitpost here, so ignore it please. (1 try of explaining ~ 4 another shitposts)

    Bona don’t you think that by doing this, the only person that you’re presenting as an frivolous person, is you ? ?


  26. Bona: PMW said:

    what in the name of all the banter that is going on here is a “laught”

  27. Graba: TCM - ㄕサ said:

    F.1 – Do not flame, insult or swear at other members. Excessive swearing and bigoted/ethnic slurs are never acceptable, regardless of context. If you see someone breaking a rule, please refrain from doing the same and deteriorating the situation. Let forum moderators deal with offenders.

    F.6 – Do not bring up conflicts (e.g. team arguments, or disagreements with the admins) on the forum. Such threads will be deleted.


  28. Bona: PMW said:

    Yeah please admins, Ban Lupus and Wonszu for flaming at me :(

  29. Pete_: PrettyGay said:

    well this is a rec post, to be precise

  30. Karx: EPP - ㄕサ said:
