ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanScoutSoldier  Open Skill, 6v6

Germany glow up dinero gang

Posted by Skudder: | Last Online:

We're a new 6s-Team, who wants to chill in open.
Currently we're looking for all classes but Scout.
We're not planning to win open, so any player is welcome as long as he is friendly, not a rager and has fun playing with us.
Add ME (skudder) for more information.
Have a good day.

Classes we're currently looking for:

All-Class subs

Any substitutes should be welcomed.

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  1. Bowsercraft117 said:

    Hey TBA,
    I would like to join your team. I only have 150 hours played on tf2 but I am pretty experienced. I am good with soldier so I think Pocket will suit me. I am still F2P but I hope to get some money to buy something soon. If you want to add me on steam search for timmania and you’ll find me.
    I hope to hear from you soon. :)

  2. Yelpi said:

    Hi TBA. My primary class is the scout. I do only have 200 hours currently, because my old user got hijacked. I love comp. TF2 and would love to play with you. If your Interested in a scout contact me on steam.Link to my profile.http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198115763164 

  3. Rodney Raccoon said:

    Hello I’m interested on Scout position. PM me ar INV me ; )

    Over 1,8k hours or gameplay.


  4. Flynnations said:

    Hi! My Name is Flynn. I can’t really tell if I am experienced, but I’ve got almost 1k hours. I main Scout, so I would love playing for your Team!

    here’s my Steam Profile Link, although, I will try to add you. If you ever feel need of me, just go ahead and add me on Steam.


    Hope 2 see you soon! ~Flynn

  5. dr_fabuwas said:

    hi i would be interested in playing scout or pocket for you

    if you are interested plz message me

  6. dr_fabuwas said:


  7. CoCoBaer: pizza said:

    Hi! im CoCoBaer and i would like to join your team as scout or roamer. I have over 3500h and 150 lobbys in tf2 center, im new to the ETF2L but i want to learn. thank you

  8. FluffY ZeuZ said:

    Add me if interested.

    Would love a trial. :)


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