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Soldier  Open/Mid Skill, 6v6

Germany zaimen_

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey there,
I am just looking for a team in open or maybe even mid as a roamer. I have about 2800 hours in TF2 and played in the Archimedes Cup as well as in S20(open). I am not sure ,if I want to leave my current team…but at least I would like to see if I even get offers etc. :)

Feel free to add me if you want to talk/trial.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:96442465 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Sowilo Rune [2v2] TimTum
Left Aeria Gloris [6v6 Fun Team] zaimen_
Left Mayonnaise Dealers [6v6] zaimen_
Joined Mayonnaise Dealers [6v6] Bv
Left Systematic Chaos [6v6] zaimen_
Joined Aeria Gloris [6v6 Fun Team] TimTum
Joined Systematic Chaos [6v6] TimTum
Left Mayonnaise Dealers [6v6] zaimen_
Joined Mayonnaise Dealers [6v6] Bv
Left Rave Diggers [6v6] zaimen_
Joined Sowilo Rune [2v2] TimTum
Joined Rave Diggers [6v6] TimTum
Left Systematic Chaos [6v6] TimTum
Joined Systematic Chaos [6v6] TimTum
Left Luminosity [6v6] zaimen_
Left Drop88 [Highlander] zaimen_
Joined Luminosity [6v6] Morrow
Left Supreme squad of the Baltic sea 6v6 [6v6] zaimen_
Joined Supreme squad of the Baltic sea 6v6 [6v6] Wolasas16
Joined Drop88 [Highlander] HR.

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  1. FrostByte said:

    Great guy, Great roamer can definitely be a solid pick for mid/open
    One of the nicest guys i’ve met

  2. GH0T1: ♣Lesk said:

    really good soldier, amazing dm, could do really well in mid.

  3. t3rr0r: L° | said:

    Nice guy, trustfull and strategic. Has a great dm and knows his rollouts.

  4. Aron said:

    Definitely carrying on open, would be better on mid^^ Such a great soldier, great person, great DM, great gamesense :)

  5. Vince: L° | - D88 said:

    Mid level soldier with good comms, great plays and best personality.
    Also always looking to improve, would totally pick him.

  6. Piplup: TC said:

    Froggyyyyy!!!!!!1!1!!!!!!!2!!!!!!!one!!!!! He is da bestest! ;D 100% worth a trial, nice guy too :3

  7. HR.: L° | said:

    He’s currently on my team and is considering leaving because he’s too good for us.

    Huejk. He’s a really good soldier with great DM. He also comes with a German accent.

  8. S!MON: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Mid, not Open. Seriously not Open. DEFINITELY MID OKAY? PLEASE.
    thanks ~