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Soldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

Russia WRU

Posted: | Last Online:

before my lovely pals from .451 add me back in roster I'd want to know what's going on around here and maybe stick my nose into some new projects that might interest me

looking for a mid team as roaming soldier, value atmosphere over wins so you might be not superbest but if you cool and funny guys it's fine by me

please no russians or russian-speaking teams unless you are friends of mine (hello spammy) or I know you well

I might have exams by the time next season starts so don't know yet if look for main or sub spot, anyway can play 2 or 3 times a week for the next month at least

add me for more information
p.s. don't mind mge enthusiasts if any at all here

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:68688591 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Ora Elektro [6v6] Nevo
Joined Ora Elektro [6v6] celvn
Left Garda Panteri [6v6] WRU
Joined Garda Panteri [6v6] Manky
Left Unknown Quantities [6v6] WRU
Joined Unknown Quantities [6v6] Aaron
Left mad decent [6v6] WRU
Left 6/9 [Highlander] WRU
Joined mad decent [6v6] Jepz
Left Destructive Environment [6v6] WRU
Joined Destructive Environment [6v6] treetoon
Left Garda Panteri [6v6] WRU
Joined ROCKSTRAT 2 [6v6 Fun Team] Spanns
Joined Garda Panteri [6v6] milkyeu
Left Deox fan club [6v6] WRU
Joined Deox fan club [6v6] eLs
Left Deox fan club [6v6] eLs
Joined 6/9 [Highlander] Crayon
Joined Deox fan club [6v6] celvn
Left Playing With Matches [6v6] Chiefdog
Joined Playing With Matches [6v6] Manky
Left Deox fan club [6v6] WRU
Joined Deox fan club [6v6] celvn
Left Playing With Matches [6v6] WRU
Left Unpoppable [Highlander] WRU
Joined Playing With Matches [6v6] Manky
Left mad decent [6v6] WRU
Joined Unpoppable [Highlander] maxxx.lfc
Joined mad decent [6v6] Jin
Joined ROCKSTRAT [6v6] Spanns
Left GO-ON eSPORTS sponsored by Oldje [6v6] WRU
Joined GO-ON eSPORTS sponsored by Oldje [6v6] bluR-
Left 3/6 [6v6] WRU
Left Thailand [National Highlander Team] WRU
Left ISIS mix [6v6 Fun Team] WRU
Joined 3/6 [6v6] Crayon
Left Autism eSports [Highlander] WRU
Left Tokio Hotel [6v6] WRU
Joined Thailand [National Highlander Team] Jelly
Joined Tokio Hotel [6v6] Yukari
Left Fahrenheit451 e-Sports [6v6] WRU
Joined Autism eSports [Highlander] Meaff
Left Gun Art [Highlander] WRU
Joined Fahrenheit451 e-Sports [6v6] tim.
Joined Gun Art [Highlander] Yuval
Left Autism eSports [Highlander] WRU
Joined ISIS mix [6v6 Fun Team] Mon
Left Fahrenheit451 e-Sports [6v6] tim.
Joined Autism eSports [Highlander] Carlos Kaiser
Joined V E N U Z P A T R O L [1v1] WRU
Joined Fahrenheit451 e-Sports [6v6] Lemons
Left Quality Control. [6v6] WRU
Left Latent Energy [Highlander] WRU
Joined Quality Control. [6v6] Jacket
Left EZPTS [6v6] WRU
Joined Latent Energy [Highlander] Arty
Left Yurisia's harem [Highlander] styxi
Joined Yurisia's harem [Highlander] styxi
Left Tea-Mates [Highlander] Doktor
Joined EZPTS [6v6] Kryone
Left Cloud 7 eSports [6v6] groove
Joined Cloud 7 eSports [6v6] groove
Left RussianGuns [6v6] WRU
Joined WORLD IN MOTION [2v2] Carlos Kaiser
Joined RussianGuns [6v6] maxxx.lfc
Left Release the Kritz! [6v6] WRU
Joined Release the Kritz! [6v6] sorsa
Left Brooklyn Zoo [6v6] stilter
Joined Brooklyn Zoo [6v6] stilter
Left oohhhhh [6v6] WRU
Joined oohhhhh [6v6] alf
Left Digitalin.tf [6v6] WRU
Joined Digitalin.tf [6v6] Phnx
Left By The Way [6v6] WRU
Joined Tea-Mates [Highlander] crazycalumrock
Joined By The Way [6v6] Saturnie
Left Marlboro&0xota [Highlander] WRU
Left Marlboro&0xota [6v6] WRU
Joined Marlboro&0xota [6v6] WRU
Left /Autism/ [6v6] WRU
Joined Marlboro&0xota [Highlander] WRU
Left TFach [Highlander] WRU
Joined /Autism/ [6v6] WRU
Left kokoko [6v6] WRU
Joined TFach [Highlander] WRU
Left kokoko [Highlander] WRU
Left kokoko [2v2] WRU
Joined kokoko [2v2] mept
Joined kokoko [Highlander] mept
Joined kokoko [6v6] mept

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High/Mid 5 376
View High/Mid 15 818
View Mid 29 1374
View Mid 8 458
View Mid/High 2 478
View Div 3/Div 4 12 782
View Div 3 8 735
View Div 5 9 668
View Div 5 14 774
View Div 5 11 787
View Div 5/Div 6 10 615
View Div 5/Div 6 5 427
View Div 5/Div 6 0 290
View Div 5/Div 6 3 416
View Div 6 1 314


  1. Fe said:

    Вы просто ненавидите всё русское.

  2. spammyh: brew said:

    H E L L O W [RU] N G L E H O W A R E Y O U D O I N G

  3. meowwy: Gensokyo said:


  4. Quinso said:

    лудшый запасной 5 дива

  5. c1: m0h said:

    pub hero -rep

  6. Yukari said:

    beats me on mge

  7. Element: ♿♿♿ said:

    http://etf2l.org/recruitment/208716 PLS

  8. crazycalumrock: ITIFY - JaR said:

    nice guy

  9. Mon: VVV - gandhi is said:

    ░super mega ultra epic fabulous magnificent impressive
    █░░ Valve ░░░█
    █░ Add This ░░█
    █░ Please! ░░░█
    █░ And Give ░░█
    █░ Me One! ░█

  10. Mon: VVV - gandhi is said:

    Actually a good soldier
    Able to challenge me on mge

  11. skippe said:

    Q, KABAN

  12. Macro: MAYOGURL said:


  13. Macro: MAYOGURL said:


  14. Chicken George said:

    Good soldier, nice calls. Take him!

    p.s. Ему родина дала множество русскоговорящих команд. Играй с соотечественниками, развивай русский тф! Нет, не хочу. Хочу инглиш-спикинг искать. И это тф? Это тф?

  15. Fe said:

    А главное – про маслят, про маслят то, европейцам не расскажешь! Зачем играть, если про маслят и аутизм не поговорить?

  16. rabid said:

    more than just a decent pickup for any mid team, even though russian

    ps: never ask him about disney movies

  17. Turboapina: (ETF2L Donator) - sirkkels - BauS said:

    Good solly, will do great with fitting team

    even though russian

  18. Popcorp said:

    This user has been banned from the forum and comments. This ban will not expire.


  19. Meaff: OCHOBA said:

    Best grib eu

  20. Fuse said:

    Grib is a nice guy. Know him ~5 years and he is still gut c: