ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicScoutSoldier  Open/Mid Skill, 6v6

European Karma Inc.

Posted by moze: | Last Online:


Looking for players for Season 21.

Karma Inc. is a new team, and we are looking to play at a high open, low mid level.
If you believe you can play at this level, feel free to add moze.
We are currently looking for scouts, soldiers & medic.

Spread the word & karma

Add moze for trials and info.

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  1. Bluee: TLR said:

    I’d be interested in joining as medic, you have a private steam profile so i couldn’t add you

  2. Princess Luna: TC said:

    hello i would be looking for a spot in roamer or scout i could not find you on steam btw so add me to talk

  3. Tickets said:

    I would like to join as scout or soldier, can top score on public ;-)

  4. RenTas: .:ne:. - Š&S said:

    Pick me pls. when i play cp orange i get called a cheat(((

  5. SteamPirate: LFC said:

    Hey I’m SteamPirate and I am new to comp but I am a high skill player (guess that makes me open). I main scout, and I would really love to join ur team!