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Spy  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, Highlander

England Bat

Posted: | Last Online:


Hey guys, Bat here
lookin' for a UGC silver team to carry me through silver to get that winners medal – i need to look good somehow, right?

pls mumble ;-;
~400 hrs as spy
~240 youtube subs (yes much famous)

-won div 5 etf2l
-im friendly
-i can comm
-sometimes i stab faces and then its a backstab and i take a couple of seconds to write prec_mark in console
-been in quite a few teams around this skill level

-im british
-i am a typical spy main with a youtube channel
-sometimes i may piss you off (links to being british)


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:59245732 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined TC: Oxford [6v6] Celreo
Joined Team Colonslash: Extrasolar [Highlander] Celreo
Left Boys Who Cry [Highlander] Bat
Joined Boys Who Cry [Highlander] phoxii
Left div? [Highlander] Bat
Left Alles Door Oefening Den Haag [6v6] Nyomo Reka
Joined div? [Highlander] kevin
Left Team Colonslash: Extrasolar [Highlander] Bat
Joined Alles Door Oefening Den Haag [6v6] Nyomo Reka
Left Police Squad [6v6] Shuffles_
Joined Police Squad [6v6] Shuffles_
Left Alles Door Oefening Den Haag [6v6] Nyomo Reka
Joined Alles Door Oefening Den Haag [6v6] Nyomo Reka
Left Police Squad [6v6] Bat
Joined Team Colonslash: Extrasolar [Highlander] Celreo
Joined Police Squad [6v6] Shuffles_
Joined ABANDON SHIP [Highlander] adam
Left the SPY!!!!1! [Highlander] Kraken
Joined the SPY!!!!1! [Highlander] Celreo
Left Muffin Crunchers [Highlander] Bat
Joined Muffin Crunchers [Highlander] WML
Joined under 15s only [1v1] Bat
Left Gaben's Special Delivery [6v6] Solid
Left T-A!: Tactical Ragequit [Highlander] Solid
Joined Gaben's Special Delivery [6v6] DShK
Joined T-A!: Tactical Ragequit [Highlander] nole
Left Club Seals [6v6 Fun Team] Bat
Left Party Potatoes [6v6] Bat
Left Totally Tropical [Highlander] Bat
Joined Totally Tropical [Highlander] Nadav
Left The Bears [Highlander] Raxo
Joined The Bears [Highlander] tim.
Left The Bears [Highlander] Bat
Joined Club Seals [6v6 Fun Team] ChARMELeOn
Joined The Bears [Highlander] calisy
Joined Party Potatoes [6v6] TinyTerror

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Mid/Low 4 298
View High 4 285
View Low 11 499
View High/Mid 9 424
View Mid/High 36 1006
View Mid 15 695
View Mid 49 1475
View Div 3/Div 4 14 798
View Div 3/Div 4 9 739


  1. panther: [DA] said:

    Not only is Bat a great spy, he is also a great guy. (woo the rhymes)He understands the game extremely well, and always does the right thing for the team. He has helped me out on many occasions.Pick him up while u still can!!!

  2. robbyyt: STACK said:

    Great spy, can do silver for sure!
    Pick him up!

  3. ElazulTF2 said:

    Seen his comments on spy videos :) GL bat

  4. woolen: BoyBrigade said:

    who is this guy and why does he keep trying to talk to my engineer like he knows him
    he’s really creepy and will stalk you everywhere

    seriously though he’s a decent bloke idk about silver but maybe aluminium?
    just dont let him add you on steam oh god dont let him

  5. magic-mike said:

    its BAT! no need to say more

    needs a team he needs love

  6. dd5f said:

    good at pooking backs

  7. fakeman: KK! said:

    always abuses me on steam chat, quite scary imo. would not recommend if your team needs a spy thats good kappa. makes bad youtube videos also. all around pick him up so i dont have to listen to him

  8. Spade said:

    con: considers lobby clips fragmovie material :(

    good enough for silver without a doubt

  9. nole: BWB said:

    good back clicker

  10. Yggdrasil: Fe | said:


  11. Sheezer said:

    div3 for sure. :)

  12. tinkerbell: SC said:

    He’s basically a faggot, but you’ll have no choice to love him in the end: )

    (By the way he said he won Div5, only because he sandbagged because he’s definitely prem).

  13. Sabesaroo: 11/9 - Arti Rush said:

    He actually has 235 subs. Good Spy though, get him on a team.

  14. Closo said:

    don’t worry bat, you don’t need a silver winner’s medal, you look good enough with your lobby frag video ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Seriously though, Bat is a great spy at this level and I would easily recommend him, for he has slightly less chromosomes than other spy mains

  15. Raxo said:

    18:52 – Bat™ LFT UGC SILVER: Leave a nice comment baby


  16. Izanagi said:

    Pretty good, Shame That I’m better though :3

  17. Manus: fluffy said:

    Great spy, merced for me not once, also a nice friend that I talk a lot with. 9696/1337 Would headshot again :)

  18. Nessy Cyrodiil: LOOΠΔ said:

    Backstabbed me in face. A really good spy and an amazing guy. *whisper* He has really pleasant voice ;)

  19. Scyper said:

    Looks like we are in same hl team as etf2l lol total scrub cant call anything and just trolls all the time <3

    Nah bat is bat behind enemys. Knows how to kill docta and takes a look in ubers. Gud pick for a team

  20. gielewiel9: 124 said:

    seems good and friendly and worth to pick him up!

  21. kiddy said:

    Does rekt every Div 5 team -4 – (-4) +10 – 2 /10

  22. Bat: TC: Ox - TC said:

    kiddy pls
    ur fat

  23. Albertt said:

    good guy,bad facestabs those makes me angry,best headshotter amby na,very recommended

  24. Fluff said:

    Hi Bat

  25. b_fisch: Muss Los said:

    Hi Bat

  26. Bat: TC: Ox - TC said:


  27. Arty said:

    cool guy.I think he will play good at this level.Take him

  28. FrostByte said:

    This guy is a common spy main who played in iron lel.
    He can stab faces not backs and loves to squeak when he does
    8/8 M8 ye this nurd can probs do this lvl

  29. forcesince: Muss Los said:


  30. Bat: TC: Ox - TC said:


  31. nole: BWB said:

    lol force, meanie

  32. Fluff said:


  33. gielewiel9: 124 said:

    iz gud, aimbots in lobbies though sadly

  34. Bat: TC: Ox - TC said:


  35. b_fisch: Muss Los said:

    made ugc promo video 10/10 for etf2l B)

  36. Billy: xD said:

    Solid spy and nice guy :)

  37. a. larry said:

    got stis at butlins
    otherwise good gamer

  38. Skudder said:

    I like him.

  39. Manus: fluffy said:

    cmon bat still not taken ? My soul iz bleeding c;

  40. Lancelot: BOH said:

    How the **** is Bat not taken yet? He’s really great spy, much better than me (not that I’m good or something, lol). He can handle silver without any doubt. Also good calls and he’s rather friendly guy :D Get him fast. Good luck Bat.

  41. Bat: TC: Ox - TC said:

    Cheers guyesss ^^

  42. bluR-: Pander - AVN said:

    pretty nice guy

  43. Sparky said:


  44. stephen said:

    Of div 3 and silver? Plat is div 3

  45. Bat: TC: Ox - TC said:

    think i might bump plus that should read ugc silver/gold

  46. dissy: Tissi said:

    probably d4

  47. Bat: TC: Ox - TC said:

    all these nice comments and i haven’t found a team yet, meanwhile sl4w’s in a team??

  48. SLASh said:

    Random bump, cuz im bored.

  49. Gregoravich: DADFITES - VaC said:

    top meme man. will tell the other team they have autism 90% of games i would say. solid d4 spy too 8)

  50. Albertt said:

    good for sl4w’s team

  51. Raf: w//e - .awkward said:

    Eager to learn, definitely div4 and will improve fast.