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Soldier  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Germany Relior

Posted: | Last Online:

I need a new home for next season since our most recent players decided to trial a new pocket. About me:

-strong and consistent dm
-a decent amount of gamesense
-keen as fuck
-fluent english

I'd prefer to play pocket but might be a bit rusty since I played roamer in the previous season.
I wouldn't mind to give div 1 a shot and see how it works out! :)

Add me for more information or trials

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:50810096 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Germany [National 6v6 Team] schocky
Joined Germany [National 6v6 Team] schocky
Left Relior [1v1] Relior
Left Lemmings HL [Highlander] Relior
Joined happy end [6v6] schocky
Left Lemmings [6v6] Relior
Joined Lemmings HL [Highlander] schocky
Joined Lemmings [6v6] schocky
Left Remnant [6v6] Relior
Joined Remnant [6v6] deathyy
Left Sikh Airshots [6v6] Relior
Joined Sikh Airshots [6v6] .Selo
Joined Relior [1v1] Relior
Joined sickest solly duo europe [2v2] ash
Left Trailerpark [2v2] Relior
Joined Trailerpark [2v2] Relior
Left sickest solly duo europe [2v2] Relior
Left PHEMXX [6v6] Relior
Joined PHEMXX [6v6] b33p
Left PHEMXX [6v6] Relior
Joined PHEMXX [6v6] b33p
Left 50 shades of grey will be shit [6v6] Relior
Joined sickest solly duo europe [2v2] Larval Extract
Joined 50 shades of grey will be shit [6v6] Relior
Left sentryinsurance [Highlander] Droodl3
Left sickest solly duo europe [2v2] Relior
Left Remnant [6v6] Relior
Left hrGay [6v6 Fun Team] Relior
Joined sickest solly duo europe [2v2] Relior
Joined sentryinsurance [Highlander] Droodl3
Joined hrGay [6v6 Fun Team] hr
Joined Remnant [6v6] django
Left #FreePat [6v6] Relior
Left 9 ☆ STUNNAS [Highlander] Relior
Joined 9 ☆ STUNNAS [Highlander] juan
Left SMG Warriors [Highlander] Relior
Joined #FreePat [6v6] juan
Left das beer boot inc esports gaming [6v6] Relior
Joined SMG Warriors [Highlander] Nagi
Joined das beer boot inc esports gaming [6v6] Relior

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 0 96
View High 4 557
View High 17 1060
View High 5 574
View High 2 285
View High 14 937
View High 17 928
View High 26 1169
View Div 3/Div 4 13 771
View Div 4 8 542
View Div 6 1 429


  1. Vitilumi: tbd said:

    Fucking sick arse Soldier, it would be stupid to disregard this man. Give him a chance at div1, he’s mature, has very strong DM and will do well in the right team. He also has a low sexy voice which you will hear a lot of since he is very vocal in-game. GL! <3

  2. Freakie: KOLAR - .awkward said:

    manly voice/10

  3. Yuval: YN - DBLE said:

    I saw some frag movie he made and they are a really fuckin awsome good luck man !

  4. django: HKN! said:

    sexy voice <3

  5. iikq: sirkkels said:

    good dm, one of the better soldiers around atm
    went silent few times when he got mad or didnt get his own game going on but dont think thats the first thing what you should be worried about after knowing the players around etf2l

  6. Mongoose: Sweet said:

    Solid soldier, good luck

  7. Droodl3: TSM said:

    aspires to be as good as me one day
    rly good tho, would recommend to top d1

  8. Bona: PMW said:

    Nice guy

  9. Vitilumi: tbd said:

    Oh and really the kindest guy I know.

  10. profix: FLANK said:

    really nice guy, can’t comment on his soldier play though. Best of luck!

  11. cube said:

    quite possibly the new shrike :S

  12. Relior: hf said:

    Dunno if that is good or bad because I have no idea who that is :<

  13. Verse: 4SKINGS - bobs said:

    Incredible guy, we talk alot about life and about linkin park.
    Awesome soldier aswell, has been good for as long as I know him.
    Div 1 isn’t too much of a stretch.

    Good luck relior!

  14. nuze: BTWFC - bobs said:

    Smart player with great dm and a super nice guy (and he likes small breasts) definitely worth your time

  15. Feyne: NASA said:

    super cool guy, very strong dm, bester mann :)

  16. konr: idd. said:

    Seemed pretty decent when we played vs him idk why they’d replace him

  17. .Selo said:

    Not responsible for Remnant’s bad performance, he is an outstanding person and a keen player.
    Viel Glück Jungchen, findest schon was besseres!!!!

  18. loopster said:

    cool guys, never really talk with him, but he s very respectfull and a great opponent and a great soldier.
    i hope to see you again next season
    Bonne chance l ami

  19. Larval Extract: HKN! said:

    what happened was pretty unjustified overall; relior is a sick player and deserves a great team, i will really miss playing with him

  20. CapricorN: YH said:

    beast of a player

  21. BoneSponge said:

    destroys droodl so thats pretty funny

  22. Dan: NASA said:


  23. Relior: hf said:

    Thanks for the comments, mates! Bump

  24. django: HKN! said:

    love the guy mge spire nerd, sexy voice, will schedule games for you <3

  25. hr said:

    Hard to say much about last season as I wasn’t playing but I think he played roamer for most of this season. From what I’ve seen he looks somewhat uncomfortable on roamer and in my opinion he is a much stronger pocket. The first season I played with him was in div4 in s17, his play was somewhat passive and tentative at times but I think in s18 he had improved a fair amount but it was hard to judge him individually as we had a fairly weak demo and medic. His dm and in particular his shotgun have always been reliable when I’ve played with him. His calls are good but back when I played with him he wasn’t able to maincall so I’d recommend him playing with a medic that can take care of that.

  26. wndrrrrrrrrrr: TEZC - MONSTERFRAGGEN said:

    Sexual voice