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Soldier  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Israel wackey

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm a bit rusty but can handle this level as pocket.
add me :j

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:85378601 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Israel [National Highlander Team] JackyLegs
Joined Israel [National 6v6 Team] JackyLegs
Left Pussy Hunters [6v6 Fun Team] wackey
Joined Foreskings [6v6] JackyLegs
Joined ez katka [2v2] wackey
Left Chuchichäschtli [2v2] wackey
Left Foreskings [6v6] wackey
Joined Foreskings [6v6] JackyLegs
Left Goodbye Guys [6v6] wackey
Joined Goodbye Guys [6v6] CapricorN
Left Abutbul Empire [6v6] wackey
Joined Abutbul Empire [6v6] wackey
Left Foreskings [6v6] wackey
Joined Foreskings [6v6] Fanta`
Left Foreskings [6v6] wackey
Joined Foreskings [6v6] Fanta`
Left Foreskings [6v6] wackey
Joined Pussy Hunters [6v6 Fun Team] Zangetsu
Left PIZZA AND JUICE [6v6 Fun Team] wackey
Joined Chuchichäschtli [2v2] wackey
Joined wackeyyyy [1v1] wackey
Left Hyxel [Highlander] wackey
Joined PIZZA AND JUICE [6v6 Fun Team] wackey
Joined Hyxel [Highlander] wackey
Left team tovim [2v2] wackey
Joined team tovim [2v2] wackey
Joined Foreskings [6v6] wackey
Left Over Charge [6v6] Ayelos
Joined Over Charge [6v6] wackey

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  1. Dingo: HG - cirlo said:


  2. wackey: 4SKINGS said:


  3. CapricorN: YH said:

    Can barely play tf2center
    Will probably do great at these levels

  4. wackey: 4SKINGS said:

    tf2cancer is too hard wtf only prems can handle it

  5. CapricorN: YH said:

    u cant airshot w jumps

  6. Phnx: kZk said:

    like you?

  7. CapricorN: YH said:

    more like you

  8. Hatake: Hi said:

    best pudge IL

  9. OldSpic3 said:

    الجندي لطيف! لاعب جيد. يحتدم الكثير
    شاذ جنسيا معظم الوقت …
    سوف تفعل كبيرة تأخذه!

  10. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    Хороший игрок! Очень хороший солдат !!
    Ищет группу россиян, добавил он.
    PHOENIX не относится к тому, что он был геем.