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MedicPyro  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, Highlander

Romania Nuky

Posted: | Last Online:

Yo, I know candle so I am a big deal.
(jk, he hates me and I am bad at video games)

Because of school and other commitments I can't play TF2 as mush as i want so I am looking for a team to roste…. I mean sub.

Can sub for a div 3 team as a medic, I have experience, check my ETF2L and UGC profile because I am too lazy to paste all of it in here.
Can sub for a div 4 team as a pyro because ez-class.

See ya around,

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:65201886 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Romania [National 6v6 Team] Shampoo
Left Romania [National Highlander Team] Shape
Left Name of the team [Highlander] antso the helper
Joined Name of the team [Highlander] antso the helper
Left Ragewin [6v6 Fun Team] Nuky
Left Nuky [1v1] Nuky
Left Iepurele Nuclear [2v2] Nuky
Left M A C I N T O S H P L U S Enthusias [6v6] Nuky
Joined SUPER ULTRA CRAZY KILLERS [Highlander] bluR-
Left Super Secret Monkey Mafia [Highlander] Nuky
Joined M A C I N T O S H P L U S Enthusias [6v6] Flappy
Left Spire eSports by Ghostface [6v6] Nuky
Joined Romania [National 6v6 Team] Shampoo
Joined Spire eSports by Ghostface [6v6] Grizz
Left M A C I N T O S H P L U S Enthusias [6v6] Nuky
Joined Super Secret Monkey Mafia [Highlander] Flappy
Left Rambase.ro Community Team [Highlander] Nuky
Joined Ragewin [6v6 Fun Team] zFn
Left Cărniță [6v6 Fun Team] Nuky
Joined M A C I N T O S H P L U S Enthusias [6v6] Leftism
Left Spire eSports by Ghostface [6v6] Nuky
Joined Romania [National Highlander Team] Nuky
Joined Iepurele Nuclear [2v2] Nuky
Joined Nuky [1v1] Nuky
Joined Cărniță [6v6 Fun Team] Nuky
Joined Spire eSports by Ghostface [6v6] Nuky
Left Ramix Associated Members [6v6] Nuky
Joined Rambase.ro Community Team [Highlander] Nuky
Joined Ramix Associated Members [6v6] domnukalu

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3/Div 4 2 249
View Div 3/Div 4 0 169
View Div 4 9 290


  1. tavi said:


  2. Leftism: W.tf - KC&LtL said:

    THE BEST MED! (“International Medic” seal of approval)

    Can’t really fault him too much. Easily ready for Div 3 Medic and he knows Candle, Sheep and Possi so he knows how to play the Pyro class as well.

    Please pick him up even if it’s just backup. :(

  3. bluR-: Pander said:


  4. Shape said:

    nuky go stream zaebal

  5. AgentSmith said:


  6. Eatable said:

    Some say he once got jumped by an entire team at once and killed them all with his ubersaw.
    I wouldn’t know, I do flanky stuff. Still, a great medic and probably good pyro too.

  7. Shape said:

    not your average rager

  8. AgentSmith said:

    Shape suge pula