ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

International TheBritishKittens

Posted by EatMySillySausage: | Last Online:

We are looking for new players. The team has been in the league before and know what we is doing when it comes to competitive play. We need 1 medics, 1 demoman, 1 soldier, 1 spy, 1 sniper, and 1 engineer .

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View Div 6 35 923


  1. TheS4rr: FFiAG?TkH!-T - Y.W.E said:

    I can play sniper for you, or I can sub engineer and sniper.

    I live in NA so sniper is ezpz on EU ping. :3

  2. Max said:

    Interested in playing soldier, i’ve added the team leader :)

  3. Moka: SKOD said:

    i can play soilder or pyro and has been playing tf2 for the past 4 years and almost a year with my new account c: add me on steam or something im new on this site xD

  4. CrumbleWood said:

    Hey! I would like to do a try-out for spy. I live in EU.

  5. Sir Milos: #T4F said:

    I’m interested in Engineer, I’m an alight Engineer but I have never played 9 v 9 before

  6. Kama said:

    Also interested in trying out for Spy. I’ve played a season of UGC Iron before and it went fairly well.

    Not british but definitely a kitten, can wear a billycock and develop a strange addiction to tea if need be.

  7. -_____-: NIET said:

    Mainly sniper, but can handle any class as sub on div5/6. Add / try me :>

  8. Mango: CaF_ - CaF_ said:

    Heyya together. I’d like to trial as a sniper. I’ve got a little bit of Highlander experience but only as a sub. English should’t be a problem and I live the EU as well. Maybe add me on Steam if you guys wanna give me a chance :)

  9. hippp_mariachi said:

    This would be my first team in competitive, but i regularly play all classes with skill, except for engineer, spy, and heavy. I might not be available all the time because of school though 

  10. dmcy said:

    this is my first team as well, i can play spy moderately well

  11. Hawk V said:

    i can play soldier, Pyro, Sniper and Demo for you, as these are my classess which i rely most on.

  12. Shreyan2 said:

    I can play Medic, Engie and Soldier.
    Can play all classes with some skill tho.
    Add me on steam if interested.

  13. Ray said:

    Hello there.
    I can play spy/medic/soldier/sniper/pyro .

  14. Vclox_: ? said:

    My main is pyro and second main is solli
    I can play spy and engie to a level
    I have some logs of some recent games

    Pyro: http://logs.tf/491091?highlight=76561198056783619
    Solli: http://logs.tf/491347?highlight=76561198056783619

  15. keroch said:

    I Can play medic very well.

  16. keroch said:

    I play medic good

  17. I stole your bees.: (honey daddy) - MWA said:

    Hey, very interested in playing demo. I’ve sent redflame a friend request.

  18. Cubic c: said:

    I’m a decent all round class sub or main sniper

  19. gabriel: ahlt said:

    Hi, I would be interested in playing soldier/spy (I’m better at solly but am decent at either) for you!, this would be my first actual team however I have played some lobbies etc and am semi decent :3. I am available most days except monday, friday and tuesday for practice/matches or whatever. Feel free to add me.

  20. zuzo said:

    Hey iam very good Spy Iam from Slovak but i can very good speak English Hours 1300
    spy cicle
    dead ringer

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