ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European Shirtless e-sports

Posted by Wuba: | Last Online:


We need a sub pocket for this season.

we would like a pocket that could play as and when needed, also being able to multi class would be nice just in case.
(we don't mind if you have not played in a team but some understanding of the game would be nice)

Our team ended up in 3rd place last season but don't expect us to roll, we are all looking to improve and rise up the divisions together.

If you what to trial add me Wuba so we can trail you however the season is starting soon so be quick about it

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  1. akachu said:

    wuba and moro are the biggest morons in tf2 beware

  2. akachu said:

    also moro

  3. cock said:

    helo i can join as pucket if mudic know is how to tell me waht to do and den i wel topscore and sh00t eryb0dy.

  4. sicko: CSG.DEJI said:

    If you’re still looking for a pocket, I am available, i’ve watched competitive TF2 for 2 years but I have never got involved with anything around it. I have a high knowledge of the game and have played around on TF2 for 1,200 hours, i’ve played lobbies and mixes with div 5 friends. Please messege me if you’re interested.