ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyScoutSoldier  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

European 9 Fasts per Hour

Posted by McKillsteal: | Last Online:

Hey, we're looking for subs in all of these classes unless you can sub for different classes (obviously not at the same time). We're looking for English speaking players and English must be your first language. Players must live in and around the UK. Someone who's above the age of 14, or if you are 14 you can't have an annoying voice as comms are an important part. Also you'll be joining the team not just to win but to make friends as we all frequently hang out, talk and play games together so we have a better synergy. If you're just in it for a medal then we're not interested and lastly I'll be checking if you've read this post fully, if not then it shows you don't actually care. This post may sound serious but we're not usually this serious and have quite a bit of fun so just message me on steam or on here if you're interested.

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  1. Rayiner said:

    Added you! :)

  2. ewanwii said:

    Added for the demo slot if you still need one :)

  3. Ketram: -LgR- said:

    Hi! i would love to join the team, hope you still have a slot for an italian spy ;D

  4. Old man sexbomb said:

    yo!!! I would really like to join your team as a scout. as long as there is still place… XD

  5. CPMM said:

    hey im 14 and i play scout, im from northern ireland hope theres still a slot!

  6. Alycidon said:

    Do you have a Pyro slot at all? I’m 20 and from Scotland!

  7. Buff3d said:

    Hello, do you guys still have a engi slot open? I’m 16 and I live in Belgium

  8. .Bnk said:

    Added to talk, Could sub multiple classes.

  9. Ghost_Soldier455 said:

    Hey i’ve alot of tf2 time racked up and could sub for either scout or demo but i have alot of time on each, have played a few competive matches but would like to be part of a not-so-serious team, BTW i’m 15 :)

  10. tears: S³ | said:

    Can sub for soldier/spy

  11. Adidushi: SC said:

    Can main/sub soldier

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