ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


HeavyPyro  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

European 9 Fasts per Hour

Posted by McKillsteal: | Last Online:

Hey there, we are looking for a heavy main and sub as well as a pyro sub, that are able to have fun and a laugh, are willing to be sociable with the rest of the team and English must be your FIRST language. Must be free quite often, no social life big yes. Also must be 15 years or older.
Lastly, if you're interested add me on steam as I'm mostly on there and don't check on here as often.

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  1. Sunflake said:

    I want to recruit as pyro, ive played alot of lobbies and i can speak english fluently, i am active i am not a troll. I am from sweden and i am 15 years, though my voice havent began to get any deeper >.<

  2. Chucamuca said:

    I can play as a pyro most like BACKUP sub (if the original sub is also not available) I live in australia and time zones are a worry, but I am dedicated and would love to play in a team. I have NOT many hours, but I can play well as Pyro. I’m 14, but c’mon, I’ve only got a few more months, and I’m mature enough to be a 15 year old.

    I’ll add you on steam to talk further things!

  3. Ludator said:

    I can play both

  4. Sul: [MS] said:

    i want to recruit for the heavy slot, i have 600 hours played in TF2 and i’d like to try out competitive, i’m 16 years old and i live in Iceland ( semi little island close to Greenland )
    i’m very good at English, I’m a joker and I’m free from 12 to around 6 or 7 o’clock

    Ps. I can sub as almost anything