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Scout  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Blizzard_

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey everyone! :3

My name's Blizzard_, and I'm looking for a div 4/5 6s team to join :)

Whilst I have no recorded official 6s matches, I have plenty of lobbies/mixes/pickups, as well as experience from times I've merc'd for a few teams.

I think it's safe to say that I have the required dm/gamesense required to play at this level.

In terms of off-classing, I tend not to off-class much as I find I do a much better job as scout than as any other class. When I do off-class, it tends to be to pyro, probably because I have previous HL comp experience as pyro, and know how to work the class ^_^ I'm not a very good sniper at the moment, but I am working pretty hard on improving it, hopefully good enough where I feel comfortable changing to it before the next season.

Feel free to add me for any questions/trials!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:250637276 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left The Complete Bankers [Highlander] Blizzard_
Left Omicron eSports [6v6] Blizzard_
Joined The Complete Bankers [Highlander] UltimatePopcorn.
Joined Omicron eSports [6v6] UltimatePopcorn.
Left Team Rocket [Highlander] Solid
Left Nocturnal_ [6v6] Solid
Joined Nocturnal_ [6v6] Blizzard_
Joined Team Rocket [Highlander] Gregoravich
Left MAYHEM 6v6 [6v6] Blizzard_
Joined MAYHEM 6v6 [6v6] Coolbeans
Left Tea-Mates [Highlander] Blizzard_
Left Spooky Turtles [6v6] Blizzard_
Joined Tea-Mates [Highlander] crazycalumrock
Left Nocturnal [Highlander] Blizzard_
Left La Resistance [6v6 Fun Team] Blizzard_
Joined Spooky Turtles [6v6] Casino
Joined La Resistance [6v6 Fun Team] Massive
Left Six Sour Cola Bottles [6v6] Blizzard_
Joined Nocturnal [Highlander] Toxin
Left Nocturnal [Highlander] Blizzard_
Joined Six Sour Cola Bottles [6v6] Piers
Joined Nocturnal [Highlander] Blizzard_
Left The Turbers [Highlander] Blizzard_
Joined The Turbers [Highlander] Scar

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  1. Deexah said:

    Blizz scout best scout. Doesn’t even use the fag of nature

  2. Kerouac: (°)> said:

    Extremely good DM, he wrecks on KOTH and CP so he’s basically perfect for sixes.

  3. -TI- Chosen_0ne: [N:I:P] said:

    Played him in HL – got destroyed by him as scout ;_; pls never let him play me

  4. Piers said:

    Amazing scout aim, Doesn’t have any official experience, but can handle div 4 with his aim and gamesense. Pick him up.

  5. Vaan said:

    Also know as Blizzard the Carry

  6. babs said:

    Nice Scout & Player, friendly, support you if you need help.

  7. jimmij: JWS said:

    Blizzard´s a good scout. Played with him in a HL team and he got some nice skills

  8. carrera said:

    Has a decent sized penis

  9. MALU! said:

    The dude is excellent. He’s also an excellent dude.

  10. MARKO: PANZER - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° said:

    Really good scout, good gamesense. Kiddnap this guy, he’s cool :)

  11. Executer: exe.tf - ˙❤‿❤˙ said:

    Amazing player, pretty good game sence, ball recking scout, gotta admit div 4 people will get rekt soon….

  12. GMV [NL] said:

    Know him as a HL scout. Plays it as 6’s scout, not on the cart, but picking the medic or demo. Which div is up to a 6’s team to decide.

  13. foungi: 0fo - 0FO said:

    pretty damn good dm and gamesense, also good at cooperating with rest of flank and demo. ez d4

  14. Osharlock: Roff said:

    Fantastic Scout who has incredible DM, game sense and communication. Never loses a scout battle and knows how to be efficient on KOTH and CP maps – making him an ideal candidiate for 6s. I have seen his offclassing ability before – His pyro is fantastic, although I cannot speak for anything else.

  15. Amarinder Ruprai: lizard said:

    When he wiggles behind you he will kill you also good at being a hoover what more do you want?

  16. Quickmac said:

    Blizz is Love, Blizz is Life

  17. Sabesaroo: 11/9 - Arti Rush said:

    gr8 m8 would r8 8/8

    he plays scootybooty man and runs fast and shoots things

    is gud gui

    dont w8 or h8

  18. Eisen said:

    Bliz is a great scout. I’ve had the pleasure of playing with him in a 4v4 team, and some of his plays have been detrimental to winning matches. He has good gamesense, and knows what picks to go for and when. Also, very effective at cleaning up the other team.

  19. Casino said:

    Must stop shooting me so much.

    Good scout, would probably offer him a spot in my 6s team if the roster wasn’t already full. Nice guy, good DM, fairly good gamesense, probably more div 4 that div 5 put would do ok in either. Also his 4s team is probably one of the best in steel.

  20. -VS- Coolbeans52: TC said:

    Great guy, has solid DM. Is always willing to help folk up with their teams. Is a good leader and he should stop killing me so much in 4v4 and HL.

  21. Blizzard_ said:

    I’m still LFT :3 #Bump