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DemomanEngineerPyroSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Latvia Hollow

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello guys,

I'm looking for a team, this would be my 1st time in a team.

I'm currently on 200hrs in TF2, but had previous experience with about 1,300hrs in TF2, I know like everything about TF2,

And I've got good skill with Soldier, Pyro, Engie, Demo.

(I'm better with Soldier)

I'm talking English on mic, and no problem with the language.

Please add me on Steam to talk about it – http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198127390939

(I'm from Latvia)

Thank you !


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:167125211 Add Friend

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  1. Hollow said:


  2. Hollow said:


  3. Bubi said:

    Bubi: I’m always out frag hollow on dm