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Demoman  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Turkey Mrguilty

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey.After giving 1 season break , I came back with a new PC that will last me another 5 years.So I'm ready to play again.Can main call , prefer not to.Will do if absolutely necessary.Hit me up!

PS: Add me if you play Osu! as well.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:85953635 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Turkiye [National 6v6 Team] zey
Left krystal-esports [6v6] Mrguilty
Joined Turkiye [National 6v6 Team] h3x
Joined krystal-esports [6v6] nukkye
Left Outsiders [6v6] Mrguilty
Joined Outsiders [6v6] nukkye
Left STRIP [6v6] Mrguilty
Joined STRIP [6v6] raiku
Left Target Terminated [6v6] Mrguilty
Joined Target Terminated [6v6] Mrguilty
Left Fenneks eSports [6v6] Mrguilty
Joined Fenneks eSports [6v6] Mrguilty
Left Skrald eSports [6v6] Andreas
Joined Skrald eSports [6v6] Mrguilty
Left To Be Announced [6v6] Mrguilty
Joined Super Hiper Ninja Faggots [Highlander] Mrguilty
Joined To Be Announced [6v6] Mrguilty
Left Cyber Zoo [6v6] dope
Joined Cyber Zoo [6v6] Mrguilty
Left Trolling Romneys [6v6] Mrguilty
Joined Mine Fortress 2 [6v6 Fun Team] Mrguilty
Joined Trolling Romneys [6v6] Mrguilty
Left OverCharge [Highlander] Mrguilty
Joined OverCharge [Highlander] Mrguilty

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3 18 829
View Div 2/Div 3 6 764
View Div 2/Div 3 26 1550
View Div 3 19 708
View Div 3/Div 4 43 1843
View Div 4 35 1257


  1. Griffin said:

    idk if he’s changed after this long break but from what I remember mr.guilty is a really strong demoman for div2 with his dm and gamesense/maincalling etc… give him a good home, gl.

  2. snow said:

    He play like a MEN with skillz, not like stick traping defensive poosy *pum pum*. You can always see him flying above you like a fucking black gangsta dragon killing all your teammates. Also cool guy, 11/10 would bang.

  3. Verse: 4SKINGS - bobs said:


  4. Mrguilty: #twats-hl said:

    Due to some internet speed getting fucked over by my provider, I won’t be able to play until the end of this month.But still feel free to contact me

  5. raiku: STR said:

    He is a strong demo, loads of knowledge of the game. Would benefit a lot for an aggressive playstyle team.

    GL buddy.

  6. Mrguilty: #twats-hl said:

    Well , it appears that my internet providers are toying with me.My internet speed is back to normal which means I can play again.

  7. turkuaz said:


  8. Mrguilty: #twats-hl said:


  9. h3x: bedgetf2 said:

    strong demo, solid gamer

    good luck