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Sniper  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, Highlander

Hungary Afirax

Posted: | Last Online:

i played in div6=i'm noob

very good mentality people, very good.. :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:87780398 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined SHLONK [6v6] kryma
Left UKIP [Highlander] Afirax
Joined UKIP [Highlander] Condawg
Left Synergy [Highlander] Afirax
Joined Synergy [Highlander] chando
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Afirax
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Condawg
Left Less Than Three [6v6] Afirax
Left The Bureau [Highlander] Afirax
Joined Less Than Three [6v6] Chronos
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] scrambled
Left last [6v6] Ssirdy
Joined last [6v6] Ssirdy
Left Name of the team [Highlander] antso the helper
Joined Name of the team [Highlander] antso the helper
Left Legal Factory Tactics [Highlander] Afirax
Joined Legal Factory Tactics [Highlander] Milan
Left Thy Old Mercenaries of Teamwork [Highlander] Afirax
Joined Thy Old Mercenaries of Teamwork [Highlander] TobyTwo32

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem 12 822
View High/Prem 4 715
View Prem 3 634
View Prem 13 1367
View Prem 41 1420
View Prem 17 942
View High 9 1024
View Div 1/Div 2 7 440
View Div 2/Div 3 5 469


  1. ryan: lizard said:

    You should show logs proving you can play at this level, otherwise people will say you are completely overrating yourself.

  2. firej said:

    maybe start playing in div4 after 6 ;)
    its like going for div5 and you show the people yourself sniping on orange..

  3. Afirax said:

    in silver people got rekt by me.. :D
    then i left the team because pushing with 15 hp was very-very funny!

  4. ryan: lizard said:

    Silver is like div 4/5

  5. ryan: lizard said:

    It still doesnt prove you are div 1/2

  6. Afirax said:

    k den

  7. SLASh said:

    @ryan +1

  8. Afirax said:

    na már csak te hiányoztál innen te magyar fasszopó :D

  9. SLASh said:

    Egoista seggfej.

  10. Afirax said:

    ja bocs, nem én loloztam a recruitmentem alatt úgy hogy a csapatom akkora egy fos bazdmeg hogy előző 2 seasonba szart se hozott össze :D de milyen mentalitásra is számítottam egy magyartól.. részletezd kérlek azt is hogy miért vagyok egoista :D azzal kapcsolatban is eléggé szkeptikus vagyok hogy tudod mi a szó jelentése :Ddd komolyan mondom baszki, szégyenlem hogy magyar vagyok.. egoista seggfej vagyok közben annak segítek akinek csak tudok és még az idegesítő faszfejt se törlöm le aki szinte nem beszél angolul és ÉN próbálok neki angolt tanítani angolul és tanítom elsajátítani a skilljeit.. és egoista vagyok baszod.. :DDD

    i hate hungarian people
    its a shame for me that im one of them..

  11. fnzkie: C9 said:

    5 div max.

  12. torrit said:

    ember, ezek után akárkit ismerek highlanderben, nagyon komolyan megmondom neki, hogy ne vegyen fel
    további jó pubolást, KÖCSÖG

  13. torrit said:

    so yea, my first comment says ‘DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES GET THIS GUY IN YOUR TEAM!!!’
    seriously, from what i see here, he is being unjustifiedly racist, annoying, dumb and an overall asshat
    dunno about his skill tho, but im pretty sure that this cunt will destroy your team if you take him

    gl with your search

  14. Afirax said:

    im racist? :)
    okay :D
    és miért ne vegyen fel? mert slash egy retardált és erről elmondtam a véleményemet?
    kihangsúlyozom bazdmeg ÉN VAGYOK A RASSZISTA?

    fuzzeh u havent played with me for months so shut up u second scoper

    Thug Life Outlaw Immortalz baby
    Makaveli lives on!

  15. fnzkie: C9 said:

    HL isnt SvS :^

  16. Afirax said:

    and i’ve never played against you in HL :^

  17. Yuval: MPREG - DBLE said:

    Guys afirax is the best

  18. Afirax said:

    well, everybody who said that im div5.. they NEVER played against me in HL


  19. ryan: lizard said:

    Have you shown proof you can snipe in div 1 yet? No you haven’t so why would anyone believe you.

  20. Afirax said:

    all my div prem-3 friends said that im div 1-3 lvl
    belive what u want but my skill is greater than u think

    i can “invite” my friend 12D3, he got invited to div prem right after the sniper cup, but he ignored it because he doesnt wanna play comp

    we’re nub

  21. Solid: who is? - itsallgood said:

    sniper cup :DDDD

  22. Afirax said:


  23. Bloodyyy: (Weeaboo Nerd) - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    2pac is pretty liquid shit.. and so is the sniper cup.

    lol’d @ prem invite

  24. Afirax said:

    what the fuck did u say about 2pac u bitchass pussy?

  25. Asaaj said:

    ETF2L please never change :^)

  26. Bloodyyy: (Weeaboo Nerd) - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    I said 2pac is liquid shit. He is dead for years.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seBUM53GuNE this is better music.

  27. Afirax said:

    yeah better music for gays

  28. Afirax said:

    and u have no idea why he did he die.. ;)

  29. Popcorp said:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4hQ4J4BFOM best

  30. Bloodyyy: (Weeaboo Nerd) - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    This isn’t gay music + im not gay. :( damn you are a racist towards to gay people.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rM6_ExByrlY 8^)

  31. MARS^: (ETF2L Donator) - ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    bloody you can’t blame him for saying anything about your music choice when you were the first to say something about music. you started this. everyone has a different taste, period.

    however, skill is not based on taste or opinion, so even if your “prem-div3 friends” say that you are div1-3, that doesn’t mean shit. you should probably try to provide some logs of you playing on this level to back this opinion up. pickups could a good start.

    furthermore, stop acting like a dick, it doesn’t help you in your search for a team

  32. Afirax said:


  33. Bloodyyy: (Weeaboo Nerd) - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    Animu is love, animu is life , mars. Im outta here.

  34. Afirax said:

    people are dick with me this is why im acting like a “dick”

    if they showed me some love i’d be friendly there too.. :)

  35. Popcorp said:

    guess i found my brother PogChamp

  36. Nik: MEGA$$ said:

    You’re a special kind of stupid, aren’t you?

    Want to show us that you can do it? Provide logs and maybe demo’s.
    Otherwise no one is going to pick up someone that just randomly decides to make a div 1/2 rec post, period.

  37. Afirax said:

    u r kind of special dickhead HappyFapper, arent u?

    btw u guys are so dumb everybody took my rec and comments srsly :DD

  38. Yuval: MPREG - DBLE said:

    these post gets more comments then huhys post
    like WTF

  39. Kengur said:

    /me popcorn

  40. Nik: MEGA$$ said:

    I dunno, I have a feeling this guy is Talisman in disguise…

  41. Afirax said:


  42. firej said:

    rofl 12d3 is prem ikr xd
    also have seen you play in div6, didnt look like you are div3+ …

  43. Afirax said:

    yes, you’ve already said said that im shit
    and 12d3 is so much better than you
    you’re just a joke :Ddd

  44. firej said:

    ye and propably cgl theo and hamza are better than me too xd

  45. Afirax said:

    well, they have HEART ;)

  46. Afirax said:

    btw i heard that u got rekt by tyt00s a long time ago and u started crying like little bitch lol

  47. MARS^: (ETF2L Donator) - ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    who the fuck are all these people you are talking about?

  48. Afirax said:

    people who all better than fire :D

  49. Milan: exo. - MEG! said:

    How the hell can you judge someone you have never played with?
    Seriosly!! He won’t just put out a div1 post becouse it’s like OMG SOO FUNNY….
    Just play with this guy and you’re gonna see…
    And I tell you he is worth a shot….
    But who gives a fuck on my word, when there are so many HIGH DIV players with a huge cock around here -.-

  50. Bloodyyy: (Weeaboo Nerd) - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    @mars. Welcome to the svs enthusiast world. Defeating a high div sniper means = can do the same/higher div than him. + ego grows up Kappa.

  51. Afirax said:

    “Defeating a high div sniper means = can do the same/higher div than him.”
    could you tell me when did i say a sentence like that? :DDD

  52. Bloodyyy: (Weeaboo Nerd) - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    You didn’t. I just explained to mars who these sniper guys are. And the story behind the svs server myth.

  53. Milan: exo. - MEG! said:

    Guyz… Seriously… Please just calm the fuck down and let this guy do his thing… He gets hate because he is looking for team in div1??? Why??? I mean as I saw many of his friends playing high level comp. suggested going this level… But how can you judge him if he never gets a shot….

    If you trial him and he sux, you have the right to say that he is shit, but seriously….
    Throwing words around, at unknown ppl is just pathetic.

  54. Nik: MEGA$$ said:

    Hey Juju, step up your rec posts because your rec posts just got outcancered.

  55. Asaaj said:

    Somebody trial him and give me the STV

  56. kermit: G - sniper said:

    Yo don’t chat shit about 2pac.

  57. firej said:

    if id just know who tyt00s is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  58. Afirax said:

    strange, headfarmers are usually dont remember for their getting rekts