ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicScoutSoldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Denmark 20$yl Remix

Posted by Tuto: | Last Online:

Botman is going to study in Japan for a few months, when season starts again, concrete is following his portugese dream team with kalhó, sprayer is tired of playing medic and morgus is just horrible, and never listens to calls. So yeah here I am looking for some cool people for another season.

The idea was to get this team going soon, and keen up during the summer holidays, so once the season starts, the atmosphere of the team will be good enough to compete with the already formed teams, for serveral seasons in div 2.

Div 2/3+ experience is prefered. Need a scout, medic, and soldiers. Add me.

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  1. Yuval: MPREG - DBLE said:

    Add me tutorial XD

  2. Max: Fusion said:

    Tutorial going up his way to be a prem 6s spy :D

  3. 1pt: CC said:

    I can play the medicine man.

    I can heal people.

    Give me a trial B)

  4. loksly: TBNC said:

    Morgus not listening to calls? Nah, that’s impossible…

  5. misha YB`g said:

    add meh

  6. Concrete: Calavera - Nave said:

    tuto is very special :)))))

  7. Sjoeberg: 9 ☆ said:

    Add me for trial, looking for scout spot :)

  8. Fuxx said:

    This guy is so hardcore he doesn’t add team leaders for trials

    no, they have to add him for trials


  9. Tuto: 8-) said:

    I never really understood the people that wants you to add them, even though they want to trial for your team, it’s almost weird :p

  10. EpicDanny: [N*C*F] said:

    I’m a main scout and would love it if I could be part of your team! If the scout spot is filled, I would be willing to be a sub. I play lots of MGE and pubs. I really need the experience of highlander and be greatful if you let me join your team, whether as a player or sub!

    I am a team player/team scout, but can also go solo.
    I know a bunch if strats

    I would love it if you considered me as part of your team.

    Add me here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/HOTDOG_/

  11. Solid: who is? - itsallgood said:


  12. Max: Fusion said:


  13. Bery: Seizs - LoL said:

    got a scout trial for me? :)

  14. lil red riding hood: swole. said:

    good players pls join tuto he has to get carryed as per usual with his div5 dm