ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicPyroSoldier  Prem Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates Epic

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm EpicWhiteCookie (Sometimes called "Epic" or just "Cookie")..and I'm looking for a team in the Highlander Open or..any Highlander..or..tournament. I have little competitive experience, but I'm a great team player and know how to communicate in matches. I'm a fun guy and can bring a little bit of goofiness to the party, if you need it.

My expertise are in that of:

Support – Medic
Offense/Defense – Pyro
Defense/Offense – Soldier

(Basically..I can do either off. or def. as a pyro/soldier but I'm best on off. as pyro, and best as def. on soldier.)

Previously, I've ever actually competed in random match ups on TF2, and League Play on Call of Duty. I play DOTA and other assorted games involving teamwork, so if you need a reference just ask and I can figure something out.

Hope to play with you soon! :D

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:54171601 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left The Otaku Lords [Highlander] Epic
Joined The Otaku Lords [Highlander] Lazorcat

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  1. konr said:

    Prem is the highest level, not the lowest!

  2. Epic said:

    Woops…really wasn’t clear. My bad, anyone. :S