ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Div 5 Skill, Highlander

European Critical Hit

Posted by Sabesaroo: | Last Online:

Looking for subs for a team entering Wireplay, the Cup and Season 7 ETF2L.

Subs needed: Sniper, Soldier.

Team Profile

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 4 684
View Div 5 0 251
View Div 5 2 240
View Div 5 0 125
View Div 5/Div 6 0 141
View Div 6 1 223
View Div 6 5 546
View Div 6 0 273


  1. Hergan said:

    Hi, my name is Hergan and I’m a Soldier from Poland! I would like to be your sub for Soldier. Added you on Steam, I have Mumble and I can scrim a lot of time.

    English isn’t my first language, but I can’t speak it very well.

    I have 964 hours of TF2 and 150~ hours on Soldier.

    Here’s my Steam profile if needed: http://steamcommunity.com/id/hergan/

    I’d be delighted to join your team as sub!

  2. AguilaBDN said:

    Hi, im here to ask if i can become a member of this clan, i want to participate on the Highlander tournament. Im not so good as a soldier, but i can be a great engi, sniper or pyro. Ill hope my request will have an answer, i will be a great an helpful member of this clan. Thank’s for your atenttion.

  3. Elementuhm said:

    Hi! On Steam I’m Invader1.
    I’m good with the Sniper.
    I played over 1000 h of TF2 and I’m using the Hitman’s Heatmarker and the covy camper.
    I hope I can join your team.

  4. RareAMV said:

    i would like to be sub in your team, im currently in an highlander team that plays hl open but i was like 2 weeks in a div5 team so i cant play. I have around 2000 hours in tf2 and started competetive around 1800, have played around 150 lobbies/centers where 60-80 as sniper. I guess my total time as sniper is around 600 hours, but 75% of that is on orange and sniper servers. I am a 17 years old, live in the netherlands, have a good internet connection (say eu servers: 15-50 ping). I can mostly play between 16:00-18:00 and 19:00-20:30 cet, but i can play on other times to if notifyd early. My english is understandable, only thing i did not have is maptalks yet, i know most position on common maps for sniper, but nothing really about tactics, so that could be a downside. If i cant be a sub, you could always ask me to merc!

  5. RareAMV said:

    woops, should have mentioned at the beginning, i would like to be sub as sniper