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Scout  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Russia Digitalin.tf

Posted by Phnx: | Last Online:

lf ru speaking scout.
21:00-23:00 moscow
19:00-21:00 cet
add me or cherie.

Team Profile

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View Div 3 12 881
View Div 3/Div 4 58 1827
View Div 4/Div 5 0 255
View Div 4/Div 5 2 506
View Div 4/Div 5 6 543
View Div 5 2 478
View Div 5/Div 6 0 356
View Div 5 0 267
View Div 5/Div 6 0 287
View Div 5/Div 6 5 618
View Div 5/Div 6 1 268
View Div 5/Div 6 2 360


  1. Creepy said:

    Div 3-4?! LOL

  2. wru said:

    wats happened with joe/other guy? just wondering

  3. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    joe lives in cet+6

  4. Phnx: kZk said:

    nv is not online any more, so we are searching for a new one.
    and creepy you really shouldn’t comment on this post since your skill level was never above div 5.

  5. Phnx: kZk said:

    For Creepy:
    take a look at the stats, you are below average on dmp and kpm if you look at the stats of the teams that brought a fight against us. 140 on div 5 is very far away from div 3-4, considering the 30 minute maps were against Hexagons 0-4 on gullywash and vs 66 degrees north 4-0 and 3-4 (golden cap) which in both your average was under 150.
    but in comparison Your death count was almost the Highest! or actually highest on granary.
    Before you take your time to write a comment on our skill level before knowing how we play, you should look at your self and see you aren’t as good you think you are, I didn’t want to stay with a team where the 2 scouts never pass the 160 dpm, that’s just sad. (insert roll logs here creepy?)

  6. TWEEKARN\: ez-sports.ru said:

    i speak ru i drink ru i mge ru can i join ru?

  7. Phnx: kZk said:


  8. FLOWER: said:

    Phoenix the legend.

  9. General CaspeR: YH said:

    No, really, i mean it, i did not intend to post on this at all. But u went ALLL the way to find a site that counts damage kills etc in order to tell this dude in details what he did wrong?
    I feel sorry for you

  10. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    INB4 another shitstorm. GL

  11. Phnx: kZk said:

    no, he was the scout on my team, I already talked to him about how shit he was during pcws.
    and I told him that in order to stay in the team he and the other scout had to start playing better, but it didn’t really happen so I just found another team. also it took me maybe one minute to find it.
    if he wants to laugh at the skill level of my team he should check him self up first.

  12. Alex_jj said:

    На 3 тяжко вам будет наиграть, но удачи в поисках.

  13. ekkelund: sirkkels said:

    >no, he was the scout on my team, I already talked to him about how shit he was during pcws.
    and I told him that in order to stay in the team he and the other scout had to start playing better, but it didn’t really happen so I just found another team. also it took me maybe one minute to find it.
    if he wants to laugh at the skill level of my team he should check him self up first.

    So if a player isn’t on a higher or an equal skill level with you/your team he can’t criticize you?

  14. Phnx: kZk said:

    well he didn’t see us play.
    that kinda makes him incapable of judging my team doesn’t it?
    and I don’t really listen to people who suicide when holding last.

  15. ekkelund: sirkkels said:

    So he was in your team for a season but he is still incapable of judging your team at all? I understand he can’t judge you with your new scout/scouts but he can still judge 4/5 of the 6 players. But I dunno maybe the new scout/scouts made a gigantic difference compared to the old ones.

  16. Phnx: kZk said:

    do you even know what are you talking about?
    it’s a completely new roaster.
    even I don’t play my main.
    and the difference between the scouts is pretty gigantic.

  17. Creepy said:

    Phoenix lies GGWP bro .. I just looked in the link u gave and still can’t get what is there so bad that u can judge me ?! Only reason u judge me is that u are jealous and egoist person .. So okay GL with your lies bro

  18. ekkelund: sirkkels said:

    Ok phoenix my bad. I didn’t look at the classes I just checked that there are same players from the previous season.

  19. Phnx: kZk said:

    creepy, why should I be jealous?
    give me a good reason.
    you are the most immature person I have ever met.
    you can’t deal with anything that doesn’t go your way.
    told you about a month ago start looking for a team.
    you didn’t listen to me, after every trial I tell you open a rec post.
    and now you are surprised I kicked you?
    I cannot deal with the fact that almost no one that trialed was good (soldiers) and scouts suicide all the time. that wasn’t a team I wanted to be part of.
    I don’t think there is a team that likes suicide scouts that barely call anything and can’t use their brain to Fall back

  20. Creepy said:

    i just wanna know one thing : for trial 3-4 persons added me and when they looked on my profile they saw Digitalin and they said : “Oh, Phoenix is one of the worst personallity person i’ve ever seen” .. Why everyone hate u some much ? o.O
    Cheers , GL in Parasitism

  21. Creepy said:

    So much*

  22. ° moonbeam: 1KLA$ said:

    maybe me?

  23. PdH said:

    phoenix isnt higher than 5 lol

  24. Phnx: kZk said:

    I wonder who are you, never actually played vs you.
    and also feel free to watch my stats and request pov demos of last season officials.

  25. BoneSponge said:

    phoenix head sous chef of “The Shit Stirrers”

  26. Greg said:

    biggest shitalker EU, also cant play tf2 so kinda a bad team to join

  27. Phnx: kZk said:

    gl in div 5.

  28. bobmus said:

    u 2 8)

  29. Greg said:

    sorry what was that pheonix? oh yeah we beat you xD div 5 > 4, sorry for being better

  30. Creepy said:

    i still have this question . why everyone hate Phoenix so much ? P.s he is biggest shitlord i know =]

  31. Greg said:



  32. Dephaistos said:

    Why everyone B hatin on this dude? I know him as a nice, sensitive, sensual, sexy person… Nothing wrong with this israelian russian dude… And as a damn fine tf2 player. Is this a recruitment post or a shitstorm container?

  33. PdH said:

    hatin=/=saying something true lol

  34. Phnx: kZk said:

    To greg: you beat us on a map we never played together, even one of our scouts didn’t know where the intel room is…
    what sad is you didn’t want to play a second map for some reason, a map that was in the map pool in recent seasons.
    To creepy: still the immature kid who was in my team, can’t handle anything, you are the only one who reacted this way for being kicked, tried to explain it calmly to everyone, and people realized teams don’t last forever.
    but you had that “vision” you thought this team will, I am sorry but to find a team in div 3/4 you’ll actually have to be good this time, I don’t think anyone will let you in his team without you doing well, so instead of shit talking my rec post worry that you are still teamless, cause that’s not temporary with your skill level.

  35. Phnx: kZk said:

    Greg: I actually looked at the logs and remembered, maybe you didn’t notice but my pocket was a merc pocket from a div 6 team. I have no problem to schedule a pcw with my main pocket on any map, just ask.

  36. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    johnny rico airshots incoming

  37. Greg said:

    johnny rico isnt that good mate XD, anyway added you to scedule something 8)

  38. Ignis: MAFIA said:

    holy shit can you stop with these “XDXDXD”s .and johnny is pretty good

  39. FonexiA said:


  40. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    kronis: CoCo – MIX said:
    April 30th, 2014 at 10:44

    INB4 another shitstorm. GL

    And I aint a gipsy.

  41. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    post the date, we’ll cast it

  42. FonexiA said:

    The level of prediction @kronis.

    Good luck Phoenix, much love to you bby.

  43. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:

    i think phoenix in-game is normal but idk what is wrong with him here/lobbys/chat

  44. Greg said:


  45. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    schedule 2 maps for this week, we’ll cast it and put up 6 keys for the winner

  46. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:

    i will bet 6 ref metal ^

  47. wru said:

    I hope there will be some kind of announcement here or somewhere else
    Event on main page would be great also

  48. wru said:

    also 6 scraps to winners, give me link to the bank

  49. General CaspeR: YH said:

    oh wow this is getting WAY more interesting than i expected

  50. Greg said:

    omg this is actually a good idea, both teams must have no mercs and just 2 maps winner gets 6 keys 1 each :3

  51. Marshall Law said:

    Доброго времени суток!
    Phoenix, буду рад продемонстрировать свой скилл, не хочу врать, но я особо не играл в лигах, только в старых кланварах, иногда мерком; а также на tf2lobby.com; на данный момент на rc.tf2center.com . В общей сложности играю более 5 лет (с перерывами).

    Тренируюсь, развиваюсь скотом, снайпом, медом. Я уже отправил инвайт тебе и Cherie!
    Могу играть с 19:30 до 01:00 (если конечно понадобится – до часу ночи) по Московскому времени каждый день, по выходным свободен. Микрофон, мамбл, скайп – все имеется.
    Жду от вас ответа. Спасибо за внимание.

  52. audio. said:


  53. Joe.: урот said:

    А почему у тебя 500 часов всего?

  54. Marshall Law said:

    Новый акк )

  55. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:

    они не достойны тебя

  56. Phnx: kZk said:

    NuTRiCuLa, saying we are not worthy of him when you actually added me for a trial is just sad.
    don’t get mad because I just ignored your friend request.

  57. Marshall Law said:

    Phoenix, I added you yesterday, but due to some strange steam-bug I couldn’t see your pofile name, couldn’t view your profile, even couldn’t chat with you – It was just as you didn’t even see my messages… You know…it was like you never did exist at all (Maybe some problems with steam’s servers). I’m confused. Even browser was no help.

  58. Marshall Law said:

    Your name was displayed as [unknown] :D

  59. Phnx: kZk said:


  60. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:

    i added you coz i dont want shit comm with tf2 players , where i say i need trial ? i cant remember