ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


ScoutSniper  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, Highlander

European Grumpy Old Men Club

Posted by Alice: | Last Online:

UGC only.

Heyo, since my lovely Grumpy Old Men are not joining UGC (apparently) i'm looking for a sub spot in Gold / Silver as Sniper or Scout or both, why not. I'm only looking for a SUB SPOT since i want to focus more on etf2l and i'm about to start playing some 6s gamez with friends.
Sniper is my main since ever but i feel i'm not completely shit at scooty also :3

What i want from you:
– be nice!
– that's all.

Feel free to add me on Steam for a chatty.

PS: if you are guessing the answer is no, i am NOT a girl, ignore my name pls.

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  1. Alice: SOUL - DFGG said:


  2. Alice: SOUL - DFGG said:


    Found a spy :)

  3. Pretzel said:

    Added you on steam, accept when you have time :)

  4. woolen: BoyBrigade said:

    Are you looking for any subs for anything c:?

  5. Alice: SOUL - DFGG said:

    EDIT: found all subs needed except for sub demo and sub medic!
    Still looking for these 2 classes :)

  6. Alice: SOUL - DFGG said:

    Bump! Still LF main heavy / main demo and sub med / demo!

  7. roban: :-) said:

    bestest team i love this guys ))))))))

  8. Alice: SOUL - DFGG said:


  9. Alice: SOUL - DFGG said:

    Bim Bum Bump

  10. Alice: SOUL - DFGG said:

    Now only looking for subs (Med, Demo & Hoovy) :3

  11. Nublar: kanye said:

    Hello Alice, I could sub as heavy, i have over 5k hours in tf2, i play scrims, (center :D) have played hl in steel ugc, playing 6v6 soldier, add me if you have any questions and ill try and answer them :)

  12. Nublar: kanye said:

    forgot to add that the hl steel team i was in, became silver, :)

  13. elLetto said:

    Hey Alice,
    Same Here, played hl steel demo and our team got promoted, currently playing 6v6 demo and usually play center or scrim with my team, I’d like to apply for the demo sub.
    If you want me for a trial or have any questions feel free to add me.