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Engineer  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, Highlander

Switzerland MIGHTY BURGER ツ

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm looking for a main spot on a stable team for the upcoming fall seasons in ugc and/or etf2l, when I'll have more time again for comp. I wouldn't object to a div 1 sub spot for this season either in a team which actually needs one

My playstyle is a bit conservative and may even feel oldschool to some, but don't let that fool you. I enjoy being very cheeky with big sentries.

I love experimenting with new approaches in mixes, lobbies and scrims, even if plans sometimes backfire. Like this, I always have a plan B, C, D, E……. and rarely run out of options to keep the other team on their toes, or when things turn sour.

Also, the more I play with the same people, the more confident and aggressive I become. My true strength is lies in my unorthodox approaches, which can only be effectively developed and practiced in scrims with the same people. Thanks to my rather chaotic seasons, I've become pretty good at getting a feel of and adapting to others' playstyles.

So basically:
* Adaptable
* Creative
* No rage
* More support/denial/call-orientated playstyle, but I enjoy aggressive lvl2-3 sentry holds.
* Can actually track with the Pistol and hit most aimed shots that I fire
* More tricks up my sleeves than you can count fingers on one hand
* Can comm in English, French and Spanish (Portuguese if you're a bit lenient at first)

– shitty timetables, meaning that I may not be always able to warmup if I finish late. I hope that my next semester won't be like this.
– My current computer is quite old (2008, or according to Freakie the 17th century) and fps drops are my bane . I'll be getting a new one this summer.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:63670378 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Lucrosa [Highlander] Cronk
Joined Lucrosa [Highlander] Cronk
Left Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! [Highlander] Nate
Left Hard Knock Life KANNONEN! [6v6] anni
Joined Super Dickmann's JUNIORS! [Highlander] Spycy
Left inVision [Highlander] MIGHTY BURGER ツ
Joined Soul Train [LAN Team] ArchAngel
Left Beau Jeu Gaming [LAN Team] MIGHTY BURGER ツ
Joined Hard Knock Life KANNONEN! [6v6] anni
Joined inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Left The Poker Stars [Highlander] MIGHTY BURGER ツ
Joined Beau Jeu Gaming [LAN Team] Spycy
Joined The Poker Stars [Highlander] Sult4n
Left Lotus Munching Angels [Highlander] MIGHTY BURGER ツ
Joined TOKYO ANAL DYNAMITE [6v6] 4hp
Left Bullet!Club [6v6] Vaskie
Joined Lotus Munching Angels [Highlander] ArchAngel
Joined Bullet!Club [6v6] san alex
Left Rule 3.5 - Sponsored by powerfiler.com [6v6] MIGHTY BURGER ツ
Joined SUPER ULTRA CRAZY KILLERS [Highlander] bluR-
Left Name of the team [Highlander] MIGHTY BURGER ツ
Joined Rule 3.5 - Sponsored by powerfiler.com [6v6] Xabi
Left The Engineer Apostles [6v6] MIGHTY BURGER ツ
Joined Name of the team [Highlander] antso the helper
Left Gun Art [Highlander] MIGHTY BURGER ツ
Joined Gun Art [Highlander] Yuval
Left Kuuhaku [Highlander] MIGHTY BURGER ツ
Joined The Engineer Apostles [6v6] RTC
Joined Kuuhaku [Highlander] 1pt
Left Team-Awesome! [Highlander] MIGHTY BURGER ツ
Joined Team-Awesome! [Highlander] $neaky
Left The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] blooztah
Joined Switzerland [National Highlander Team] 1pt
Joined Sigma [6v6 Fun Team] Freakie
Joined The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] blooztah
Left Sigma [6v6 Fun Team] MIGHTY BURGER ツ
Joined Sigma [6v6 Fun Team] Freakie
Left Lazy Nutters [Highlander] MIGHTY BURGER ツ
Joined Lazy Nutters [Highlander] Warriorrr
Left Spirits in a Shell [Highlander] MIGHTY BURGER ツ
Joined Spirits in a Shell [Highlander] Atomicus
Left Mr. Wong's Fair Spirits [Highlander] MIGHTY BURGER ツ
Joined Mr. Wong's Fair Spirits [Highlander] Candle
Left Platinum Bullshit [Highlander] MIGHTY BURGER ツ
Joined Platinum Bullshit [Highlander] Gent
Left We Want Fun [Highlander] MIGHTY BURGER ツ
Joined We Want Fun [Highlander] tSoodle

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Open 2 468
View High 2 339
View High/Prem 5 618
View High/Prem 1 631
View High/Prem 12 858
View High/Prem 6 1372
View High/Prem 14 904
View High/Prem 5 667
View High/Prem 17 963
View High/Prem 0 478
View High/Prem 16 915
View Prem 10 1068
View Prem 0 358
View High/Prem 11 1029
View Div 1 8 810
View Div 1 6 747
View Div 1 5 875
View Div 1/Div 2 2 553
View Div 1/Div 2 8 814
View Div 2/Div 3 6 931
View Div 6 1 558


  1. R3L0X: LoL said:

    Burger best

  2. Fuxx said:

    Burger best

  3. ekkelund: sirkkels said:

    sickesti ku nigetsi

  4. roban: :-) said:

    this man! i love this engineer man! very good play and good too!

  5. Seksy: :-) said:


  6. Jonaz said:

    this dude..:) premiership engineer material dude! :D

  7. B4n4n4m4n: Ol'dog said:

    He’s decent, clearly knows what he is doing and is also a absolutely lovely guy to hang out with, but if I am going to be completely honest I’m not sure he’s div 1 yet, maybe at a push div 2/3.

  8. BoneSponge said:

    engineer’s success relies on the team, with solid support pretty sure he could do top div 2

  9. MIGHTY BURGER ツ said:

    @ B4n4n4m4n,

    Actually, you’re partly right. I could have definitely given a shot at div 1 last December. But I have gone already a fair amount of time without serious regular practice, and this most probably showed when I merc’ed for Mia.

    I changed my skill claim to better reflect this: With practice, a motivated team (even one that loses a lot), and awesome teammates, I can handle higher div 2 play with no problem. And I want to signify that I also have the ambition to go in div 1. If not in S7, then in S8.

  10. Dandere said:

    Burger is a pleasant and reliable engineer, he does not rage mid-game at all and even when he dies, he sounds a tad amused about it. He has a lovely presence in Mumble and has merced several times for 1rw.

    He’s currently subbing for a mid-division Div 2 team and is comfortable playing there, so I wouldn’t say Div 1 was too much of a stretch above his current division as he’s going for half a division above what he currently is, not 3 divisions above what he last played. People generally search above their current division when they feel they can improve and capacitate to that division, as he has stated that he is doing.

    I wish you the best of luck finding a team :)

  11. MIGHTY BURGER ツ said:


  12. Tseini: Damn! - 2MNYCHDS said:

    Abuses my sniper sightlines as engineer 5/5

    Good gamesense, when he has more time again could do div1

  13. NightWing94 said:

    Great Engi, Amazing Game Sense, always has some great strats up his sleeve!


  14. MIGHTY BURGER ツ said:

    This probably won’t come out alright, but who knows?

    |::::::::' .': o`:::::::::::|
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    | o8 d88P . 88 ' d88P .. |
    | 88P 888 d8P ' 888 |
    | 8 d88P.'d:8 .- dP~ o8 |
    | 888 888 d~ o888 LS |

  15. Fuxx said:

    nailed it

  16. Popcorp said:


  17. MIGHTY BURGER ツ said:

    You’re all busy with UGC at the moment, but I’ll still bump this.