ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

European mid high

Posted by Rex: | Last Online:

Need a pocket for next season. Jr going to be out of country and being a grown up. Possibly can take a roamer and we switch ours but prefer someone to pocket.

I'm currently getting lots of people adding me saying they think they can handle div2 because they played some mixes or whatever. We don't have time to trial all the 300 wannabes with only experience in div4 so please don't waste time. If you add me you're going to have to convince us that you're good enough, not the other way around so give me logs, links to matches etc or I just won't bother. =/ You're trying to replace Jr here and he's a beast so if you're not don't bother!

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  1. basshead: mid said:

    you know you want me

  2. Rex said:


  3. Solid: who is? - itsallgood said:

    Good guys

  4. Izzy57 said:

    Good Luck Jr was your carry :/

  5. Rex said:

    Haha Koston you seeing this? THEY KNOW NOTHING!

  6. ash: (Legend) - UNHINGED said:

    best of luck!

  7. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    timon from prem

  8. Alex said:

    the coolest of cats

  9. FonexiA said:

    koston will get 2.5k dmg after 17 mins
    rip jr tho

  10. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    Quite a div

  11. Rex said:

    Add Koston plz. My friends list is broken :(

  12. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:

    would like to trial please consider xoxo