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Soldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Luxembourg sondi

Posted: | Last Online:

roamer spot

div4 pocket and demo experience

shoot me a friend invite

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:85200481 Add Friend

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Joined eksdee [6v6] huhystah
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  1. Cuttlefish: 6v6 said:


  2. huhystah said:


  3. corben: PISTONS said:

    wanna be in div6?

  4. VVAZE: MTF! said:

    oh ed gin nach aner letzeboier dei comp spillen.D
    wenschen da alles guddes

  5. dc. said:

    Great guy.
    Gets shit done.
    Div 4, no doubt.