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Scout  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

Germany lady in pink

Posted: | Last Online:


funny german guy is looking for a nice team who hanna have fun in etf2l div 6.
i would like to be scout. i have played one season as back up in ugc steel. i´m 23 years old and can play on the most evenings.
mumble and ts are available.

just commend or add me if you want to trial me

cheers pyroxx7

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:109056758 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Mosby Boys ... und Diz [6v6] DizAmbiguation
Joined Mosby Boys ... und Diz [6v6] slapsgiving
Left Friendly Friends [6v6] lady in pink
Joined Friendly Friends [6v6] PornFlake
Left Don´t Really Care [Highlander] lady in pink
Left Stinson`s Funky Town Monkey Pimps [6v6] Mr. Guy
Joined Stinson`s Funky Town Monkey Pimps [6v6] DCS
Joined Don´t Really Care [Highlander] lady in pink

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 6 4 345


  1. Snow NYE said:

    I am looking for a scout for my team we were gonna go UGC silver but i think its best we go steel for the season. Accept my invite if you feel interested

  2. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    Good friend and wants to improve. deserves a nice and friendly team. Just needs someone to tell him what to do, then he does it. listens to comms quite well.

    he just to needs to play the game over and over. good luck!

  3. Mr. Guy: *fast - §GOLD said:

    Great dude, fun to hang around with. Doesn’t say that much, but when he does he usually cracks me up. New to comp and stuff, but he wants and will learn.

    gl wash