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Medic  Div 3 Skill, Highlander

France Vinny

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey everyone,
Looking for an highlander team at div3/gold level for next seasons of ugc and etf2l.
My main is medic and I already played in silver and div4. I want to improve in a stable team.
I can play every day after 20:30 CET.

Feel free to add me if you want to trial or just if you need more informations.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:81347407 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined sBooB Team [6v6 Fun Team] Osman
Left sBooB Team [Highlander] Osman
Joined sBooB Team [Highlander] Ulysse
Left ManTouchéd is Bad [Highlander] Vinny
Joined ManTouchéd is Bad [Highlander] Lyrete
Joined Balls Deep [6v6] Hot
Left The Phlog Noobs [6v6] Vinny
Left Cold Fusion [Highlander] Vinny
Joined Cold Fusion [Highlander] Alex
Left Hakeem's Pussy Patrol [Highlander] Vinny
Joined The Phlog Noobs [6v6] Vinny
Left The Phlog Noobs [6v6] Vinny
Joined Hakeem's Pussy Patrol [Highlander] Vinny
Joined The Phlog Noobs [6v6] Vinny

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View Div 3/Div 4 3 191


  1. juju: █▄ █▄█ █▄ - Tissi said:

    Can do his job with no problems :)

  2. Cobz said:

    Great guy, knows his job as medic, can handle top d3 ez

  3. SuicidalPlumber said:

    fucking beast medic , can carry ur loser team to fucking prem :DD

  4. Uli said:

    Top div3 healing material

  5. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    He can play gold/div3 without any problems. GL

  6. hrbls said:

    I’ve played with Vinneh for almost two years across 3 teams and i honestly couldn’t Praise him highly enough! On top of being a great medic he is also a great guy and will bring a pleasant and calming presence to your team and mumble!

  7. R3L0X: LoL said:

    Div 3 HL is Good for him.
    Amazing Crossbowaim.
    Playing with him alot pick-him.

  8. counter4561: ITIFY - JaR said:

    Friendly guy, seems determined. Good medics are hard to find, peeps!

  9. ryan: lizard said:

    Really good medic, really nice guy. Knows his shit!

  10. Vinny: (è_é) said:


  11. Max: Fusion said:

    I played in a mix scrim against with him. Here are the logs: http://logs.tf/157627.

    As you can see, our team got wrecked HARD. However, check the amounts of healing each medic did. Our medic healed more even though they beat us 3-0. He even dropped twice while our med dropped just once.

    After uber, he is very easy to kill. And his positioning is poor. He got killed by me (I am an engineer) because he was far behind everyone on MID and that caused him to die.

    I am not saying that he is bad, I am just saying that he is not fit well enough for top d3 or mid d3 as most people suggest. But it was just one scrim so whatever man.

  12. Lyrete: BAGC - RUN! said:

    HedoKingoglu with the truths.

    tbh most of the time it was our fault for not being able to deal with your kritz. And he did almost as much healing as your med even though he died more? :D

  13. Vinny: (è_é) said:

    Are you mad because we destroyed your team ?

  14. Max: Fusion said:

    Vinny why the hell should I be mad if our team got destroyed even though we had like 3 subs (one being an iron solly) and one try out heavy playing? Can you please explain me that? You are just angry because the logs give out what type of a medic you are.

    And Lyrete, our kritz weren’t as effective as you thought because we couldn’t push much thanks to our try out Heavy overextending. And the reason the healing was the same was because our med didn’t have much targets to heal because as I said, most of our players were inexperienced subs, they were overextending too much in that game (except for our demo, which didn’t speak English fluently and could only call out classes he killed).

    And Vinny, again look at what I said: As you can see, our team got wrecked HARD. Am I saying anything else? I am just talking about what really happened there.

  15. Vinny: (è_é) said:

    Alright then.

  16. Cobz said:

    HedoKingoglu, lol. Of course, ONE and ONLY ONE game can give the kind of medic Vinny is. lelelelelel.

  17. Lyrete: BAGC - RUN! said:

    yeah I just said you got our med easier than you should have :D aka it wasn’t his fault for a few of them

  18. pajer0 said:

    u played pretty much against a mix stop being a nerd
    vinny is good

  19. Cobz said:

    Vinny is a great medic yesh

  20. Max: Fusion said:

    Cobz, you should NOT have said that:

    http://logs.tf/158696 WAYYYY bad than the opposing Medic
    http://logs.tf/158636 Yeah, Vinny popped more, but look at what the medics did on the healing part
    http://logs.tf/158157 Nice game Vinny.
    http://logs.tf/158130 The opposing med popped more and heal more. HOW?
    http://logs.tf/157019 10 deaths after 20s of uber and 6 less pops (though you probably went uber so I can’t blame you there).
    http://logs.tf/156984 6 deaths after ubers.
    http://logs.tf/155043 This is what happens when your team decides that you should use uber on koth

    Holy shit that’s a lot of games.

    HedoKingoglu, lol. Of course, ONE and ONLY ONE game can give the kind of medic Vinny is. lelelelelel.- Cobz

    u played pretty much against a mix stop being a nerd
    vinny is good- Wig

    Well, I guess I am a shit talking bastard right now because I gave logs and said out the obvious things.

    Hope to see Cobz, wig and Vinny on my rec post if I post one ofc.

  21. bobmus said:

    So goddamn French.

  22. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    Who is hedokingoglu?

  23. Beasty: mib* said:

    Vinny boy my frenchy that I mixed with, sometimes rages in french, what is funny to listen :)!

  24. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    Also, start making STV edits about Vinneh being bad.

  25. Max: Fusion said:

    Sprayer what is up with you?

  26. Cobz said:

    lol, i’ve no idea where you come from Hedo but you are boring as fuck. And I mean it. Well, all I see from the logs is that you wasted your time to try to show people how Vinny “is bad” which is totally false. I know Vinny for a long time, I know how he plays and how he does (good) so please.

  27. Max: Fusion said:


    Your opinion and experience > Logs

    k then.

  28. Lyrete: BAGC - RUN! said:

    drama is fun

  29. Deagle said:


  30. Cobz said:

    yesh drama is fun, retard people trashtalking as well.

  31. Max: Fusion said:


    Oh dis gun be good

    yesh drama is fun, retard people trashtalking as well.

    retard people trashtalking as well.


    hah that was funny, you actually made me laugh.

  32. SLASh said:

    Very friendly guy, great medic. Also, please nerf his crossbow aim.

  33. Cobz said:

    lol Hedo, the guy who starts a drama and his like “lolololo drama is fun lmao topkek” when he realises he is alone, hahaha. :D

  34. Max: Fusion said:

    I didn’t start a drama, you bringing no evidence how Vinny is a top d3 medic and just telling me that I am not allowed to give any evidence to say that Vinny did some mistakes in his recent games and how he couldn’t top the opponent medic. Also, getting called a retard by a moron who believes that no one should express their counter opinions doesn’t affect me dw.

  35. Asaaj said:

    You got nothing better to do than going to each recpost you see fit and trashtalk? It’s not the first time I see you doing that.

  36. Max: Fusion said:

    When the hell did I do that?

  37. BoneSponge said:

    Why are people just stating that opinions are wrong

  38. TJB said:

    Sigh, 2 games in D4 and HedoKingoglu thinks he’s the shit.

    Vinny’s a great medic, never played with him but he’s always impressed me with his positioning and unusually low deaths. Can handle d3 well, gl mate :)

  39. Max: Fusion said:

    sigh… one merc for d3 game and suddenly TJB is the shit.

  40. TJB said:

    Teehee, don’t get your head twisted ;)

  41. Max: Fusion said:

    I sure am not ;) You d3 carry man you :D

    (If you didn’t understand, I am truly not being hostile. Lets keep these sweet jokes)

  42. Notorious H.O.T. said:

    dont listen do div 5 shiters
    Vinny best med, sklled, friendly, smart, good call
    Can totally play div 3

  43. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    Ok I did like 6 games in div1, won them all. I call that this drama is very good and you should keep going.

    Am I the shit now?

  44. Max: Fusion said:

    Notorious I am actually d3 atm though.

    Jk I am a horrible player.

    And yes Sprayer you re the shit. You’re the shittiest of the shits ;)

  45. oxocuboid: (ETF2L Donator) - LOOΠΔ said:

    Good, determined medic who is very French. Ignore the haterz, this guy will do well for your team.

  46. Notorious H.O.T. said:


    dont play the logs game
    because u cant

  47. Hajdzik: SUAVY - ㄕサ said:

    Hedo you don’t realize logs mean nothing in case of medics, there are different playstyles and personalities. And you can’t judge medic by watching his perfomance on mix teams, where everybody is new. There’s a lot of things teams need to watch if they want a medic.
    – his attitude if he’s raging or not
    – his maincalling skills, if he’s medic who likes more to follow someone else calling, or he is person who tries to make playstyle fiting to him, or he try’s to fit to current team playstyle
    – if he likes stay more in action, take risk more or play safe
    – sometimes when team is not doing well medic can do shit as well, if medics dies it’s not always medic fault
    – healing can be lower if you’re team receives less damgage so more healing from medic is not always good for a team, sometimes I go quick-fix and sometimes I have like 5k more healing than other medic and it doesn’t mean he’s shit, becouse I am taking quick fix becouse I know my team in that certain moment takes more damage
    – of course it’s good to watch if medic does a big ammount of easy mistakes, but everyone makes mistakes even on highest levels, so it’s really hard to judge medic skill, but let the teams who will trial him to decide it’s not your concern

    I concider myself a not good medic when it comes to mixes, becouse I really like work with team between the games, trying to force tactics which suits me and know that they will work for a team as well.

  48. Vinny: (è_é) said:

    Thank you :)

  49. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    nice argument of several people that know jack shit about the game

    love rec posts

  50. Max: Fusion said:

    to notorious:

    Cobz said this to me: HedoKingoglu, lol. Of course, ONE and ONLY ONE game can give the kind of medic Vinny is. lelelelelel.

    same goes to you.

    And here goes some evidence:

    Low Silver scrims with my old team last night: http://logs.tf/161230

    http://logs.tf/161165 Got their med while they were kritzin’ tho

    Scrim with my newly formed team:


    Scrim with my team before we had a chaos

    http://logs.tf/158654 I underperformed while our team got rolled.

    http://logs.tf/158627 We didn’t even had to do offense because they only capped A. (Same team btw with ^)

    A d3+ mix I did: http://logs.tf/154983 (my name is: I am mixing do not disturb)

    I don’t want to give more logs. TL;DR, most of the logs showed that I did better than their engie bla bla bla. That’s not the point though.

    And Hajdzik, I see where you are coming from, but most of the things you said a circumstantial for 2-3 games I am afraid. One of Vinny’s problems I mentioned is over extending after uber. Some of your words do have a merit, like the quick-fix and the mix part. I am a bad engineer myself when it comes to mixes on payload defense, but that is because of lack of comms, and not knowing what your team is going to do. But I gave like 7 logs there showing why Vinny is NOT TOP D3! I don’t mean he is not d3, he is. But not top d3, he is more of a low and maybe mid d3.

    Anyways, do not summon me again. If you want to talk with me on this, please do it personally (but not in a retarded way Cobz did please. Secretingly insulting me, and then acting like I am a kid who just went trough puberty bla bla bla)

    Anyways. I genuinely hope Vinny will find a team that suit himself. (And that team is not top d3)

    Now stop being butthurt by one person.

  51. Notorious H.O.T. said:

    I’m no butthurt at all, i just proved you how wrong u were. You’re the one who start the shit, dont be surprise to finish covered by shit

  52. Max: Fusion said:

    The only thing that you proved that I played bad in some d3+ mix.

  53. Notorious H.O.T. said:

    i hope i proved you that you shouldnt join d3mixes

  54. bobmus said:

    HedoKingoglu, we’ve had a meeting, and we’ve decided to return you to a desk job in the Skill Police. You’re committed, but you keep making poor judgement calls out in the field.

  55. Switch: soL. - T⑨ said:

    shitters flinging shit at each other.

    This is TF2.

  56. skyro: #SaveMelee said:

    oho ho ho

    of all the people

    that had to come from you switch ._.

  57. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    i can kill someone in real life

  58. Max: Fusion said:

    Notorious, didn’t you check my freaking logs? I gave you a d3+ mix log while I was still d4 and I out KA/D their engie… can’t you understand statistics?

  59. Switch: soL. - T⑨ said:

    wat? :C

  60. Cuttlefish: 6v6 said:

    KA/D isn’t really the most important part of playing Engineer, I think.

  61. TJB said:

    Not to suck my own dick here but

    HedoKingoglu, if you think KA/D is important as Engineer, don’t play the class. :)

  62. skyro: #SaveMelee said:

    KA/D is the least important part of tf2

    unless if you’re a heavy and have a negative KA/D you’re probably doing something wrong

  63. Max: Fusion said:

    Ok, I had higher points too like 15 more than most of the engies so what is the point here?

  64. Vinny: (è_é) said:

    Can you please stop writting shit on my rec post. Thank you.

  65. Cuttlefish: 6v6 said:

    Points don’t matter either, lol.

  66. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    Go self promote yourself somewhere else with your ka/d, logs, whatever, and we all got your point that you think vinneh is not top div3, stop saying the same stuff with more logs.

  67. Max: Fusion said:

    Well Sprayer, the thing is some people are can’t understand or don’t even try to understand what I am trying to say. And those logs were a reply against notorious not my self promotion.

  68. skyro: #SaveMelee said:

    Let me just make a few points here. In-game points: bullshit. Logs: bullshit. This argument of Hedo vs everyone: bullshit. Just let teams trial vinny if they are interested, it’s up to him to prove himself, not hedo, not anyone else

  69. Switch: soL. - T⑨ said:

    HedoKingoglu please stop commenting on peoples recruitment posts when you have nothing to say. You told me yourself you’re

    “not a medic master or some shit I am just some guy xD”

    so please be “some guy” and just leave it.

  70. Uli said:

    Vinny is keen, talented and friendly.
    If you need a med for div3, he’s your man.

  71. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    This is priceless. On the one hand- guys plsssss. If someone puts up a rec post and everyone sucks his dick, people complain about circle-jerks (which it usually is). On the other hand, if someone critisizes on a rec post, people get hilariously mad about this person trashtalking. wtf?

    Hedos logs are worth shit, but cant he just say how he sees Vinny without being dumped on please? If we all just praise the people looking for a team, this comment section looses its purpose, doesnt it?

    Hajdzik (sry if i spelled it wrong, i am too lazy to scroll up) is the only one in here who didnt go retard, holy fuck. He is absolutely right.

    As one of the medics in Hedos logs, I can just say on Barnblitz we just played the kritz really well and his team kept running into traps. I couldnt really see if he was out of position, might be. But its always (also) a team effort to keep your medic alive. He did drop to a revolver spy on defense first, but that happens.

    Its much more important if a medic suits a team from the chemistry point of view. Yes, there are skilldifferences, but a medic can be div 3 in one team and do totally fine and a div 5 team says “WTF, what a scrub!”

    I, frankly, dont even care about Vinnys TF2-team future (sorry^^). But stop saying: “no, your opinion is clearly wrong because you are div 5 and dont know nothing, i am div 1 and won all my games… hurrr duurrrr”. (but please also dont use logs as a proof)

  72. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    logs work if you know what you are talking about, not if you think having less heals on the winning team or less uber pops on payload defense when the other team hasn’t even capped 1st or having a better k/d

  73. Max: Fusion said:

    Yeah, I shouldn’t have mentioned the heals. That was noobish of me. And frankly, KA/D only is important a LITTLE TINY BIT when it is on several map/game modes (an example: For engie, KA/D is a little bit important for koth and 5cp as far as I know.) The only things I should’ve focused were the deaths, and the drops :B

  74. Mr. Guy: *fast - §GOLD said:


    http://logs.tf/158696 WAYYYY bad than the opposing Medic


  75. regen: o7 said:

    Post #75. Do I win a cookie yet?

    On-topic, I think Vinny actually needs to prove himself that he is capable of div 3, and not be solely dependant on logs(seriously this is the juju dilemma all over again). I think he needs to find a group that fits his playstyle so he could possibly play at a high caliber. It’s not that hard but with the right team he can break out, because he does have high potential, he just needs to work on his fundamentals and try to be calm and collected. Yes, even if you drop to a gun spy. :p

  76. Max: Fusion said:

    Dropping to a revolver spy is not that bad actually. Unless you have ze oobz or something really wrong happened.

  77. Cuttlefish: 6v6 said:

    I’m pretty sure ‘dropping’ means with uber. Otherwise it’d be called dying.

  78. Max: Fusion said:

    No shit sherlock.

  79. jakeowaty said:

    Keen Frenchman, does pop when asked to. Definetly Div3.

  80. sinr said:

    ….. ___//___?____\________

    Vinny has been around the highlander scene for a pretty long time
    Vinny being div4 and below is just hilarious and wrong
    Good luck in div3, buddy

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