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HeavyMedicPyro  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, Highlander

France Vinny

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey guys, I'm Vinny. I'm looking for a team for the incoming season.

I'm currently playing with TPN in UGC silver as medic and I'd like to find a div3 team to play as main or sub for this class.
Also I can play heavy or pyro in div4.

I speak french and english and can play everyday. Tell me if you're interested or want more infos.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:81347407 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined sBooB Team [6v6 Fun Team] Osman
Left sBooB Team [Highlander] Osman
Joined sBooB Team [Highlander] Ulysse
Left ManTouchéd is Bad [Highlander] Vinny
Joined ManTouchéd is Bad [Highlander] Lyrete
Joined Balls Deep [6v6] Hot
Left The Phlog Noobs [6v6] Vinny
Left Cold Fusion [Highlander] Vinny
Joined Cold Fusion [Highlander] Alex
Left Hakeem's Pussy Patrol [Highlander] Vinny
Joined The Phlog Noobs [6v6] Vinny
Left The Phlog Noobs [6v6] Vinny
Joined Hakeem's Pussy Patrol [Highlander] Vinny
Joined The Phlog Noobs [6v6] Vinny

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  1. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    He is a pretty good medic, from what I have seen. Dunno about the other classes

  2. Uli said:

    Prem demo ! :p sometimes fails his rollouts but YOLO
    Nah but srlsy, can handle div 3 a med without problems

  3. Uli said:
