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Spy  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, Highlander

Germany Skudder

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, what's up. My name is Skudder and I'm looking for a new team, coz I wanna get into higher divisions, my team won't be abled to do this. I played Div 5 1 season I did pretty well, but my team wasn't the best as I said before.
I'm looking for a main spot as Spy (div 5 or div 4) or a Sub Spot (div 4). Ugc is fine as well… Like Silver would be nice
I played about 600 hours+ Spy and total 2250 hours+.I played 400+ Lobbies.
I can play nearly every day.
What I want:
-1/2 times training a week.
-Mumble/TS for talking with teammates
-No flaming or raging
Looking for an EU-team or a GER-team!
Add me on steam for more information or trials.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:107051837 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Kevin eSports sponsored by happy sailors [Highlander] Skudder
Joined Kevin eSports sponsored by happy sailors [Highlander] Akuma
Left Rice Bags [Highlander] TafelBroetchen
Left glow up dinero gang [6v6] Skudder
Joined glow up dinero gang [6v6] .s
Left Huansöhne [6v6] TafelBroetchen
Joined Huansöhne [6v6] TafelBroetchen
Joined Rice Bags [Highlander] TafelBroetchen
Left Nice°One Critix [Highlander] Skudder
Joined Nice°One Critix [Highlander] Profix
Left Yay Violence! [6v6] DizAmbiguation
Left Vier // Yellow ° Highlander [Highlander] Skudder
Joined Vier // Yellow ° Highlander [Highlander] Chakuza™
Joined Yay Violence! [6v6] DizAmbiguation
Left CWCLAN-Community [Highlander] Skudder
Joined CWCLAN-Community [Highlander] Gosz
Left Nice°One Critix [Highlander] Skudder
Joined Nice°One Critix [Highlander] Profix
Left Planet Breakdown [6v6] Skudder
Joined Planet Breakdown [6v6] Skudder

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3/Div 4 1 295
View Div 3/Div 4 6 375
View Div 3/Div 4 5 426
View Div 4/Div 5 4 252
View Div 4/Div 5 8 497


  1. Skudder said:


  2. Max: Fusion said:



  3. Goat: bobs said:

    Nice guy, has potential

  4. Skudder said:

    HedoKingoglu, who are you? xD

  5. .s said:

    pew pew boy.

  6. Max: Fusion said:

    I am just one of the many people who have played tf2lobbies with/against you.

    You should now that d4 is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more different than lobbies and d5. Just try a proper d4 mix and you will get what I see.

  7. Max: Fusion said:

    I meant say instead of see my bad.

    Oh and trying out d4 when you finished a season with a bottom d5 team is just not going to help you. Your best bet is mid/top d5 team.

  8. Skudder said:

    If our demo gets 3 ubers and can’t destroy a sentry, you wonder why we’re bottom score…

  9. Gosz: [CWC] said:

    Good spy, nice team mate, would play with again.

  10. WLAN-Kabel: [CWC] said:

    “If our demo gets 3 ubers and can’t destroy a sentry, you wonder why we’re bottom score…”

    ye blame the demo, it´s always easier to blame a teammate instead of the team´s general inability to spycheck and the awfully passive playstyle…..

    btt: skudder was the only one doing constantly well in the team and was a chilled guy to play with, think he should do well in top d5 or even lower d4

  11. Skudder said:

    I just said what happened on badwater. Anyways thanks for the feedback.

  12. Max: Fusion said:

    There is a huge gap between d4 spies and d5 spies skill ceiling that is all I need to say.

  13. Skudder said:

    You mentioned that now the 3rd time, please stop…

  14. Zodiak: ffb said:

    Good Spy. Better Hat. Take #4sweg
    (Seriously thought, awesome guy, and great spy!)

  15. Zodiak: ffb said:

    (I’m saying that as a div 3 spy, one of the best newer spy’s I’ve seen in a while)

  16. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    I don’t know who this guy is, but he keeps kicking me from lobbies for whatever reason, so I’ll go ahead and say he is a faggot byebye

  17. Skudder said:

    “Better hat”
    Stargazer : he is bad with spy
    Stargazer : thinks unusual gives him skill

  18. Skudder said:

    Do I? Okay. Could be. I don’t know. Sorry.

  19. drezzo said:

    skudder is chill guy and a very impressive spy, picking up skudder would be the right descision for your spy spot. 11/10

  20. Skudder said:
