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Scout  Prem/Div 1 Skill, 6v6

Germany RazorsEdge

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey guys,

as my brothers and my new team might not happen, I'm searching for a team.

I played a season and one official in div1/prem. And a lot of pcws with and against top div1/prem. So I'm sure that I can handle this skilllevel. And I think I will do even better, if I start to play on that level on a regular basis, as I noticed while playing with our new team the last weeks.
So I would appreciate it a lot, to get some trials in div1 and maybe even prem, as I want to reach a (top) prem level as soon as possible.
I'm also willing to go to the next summer lan (i52) with a good team. :)

I'm keen and pretty much available on every day. So just hit me up in steam or IRC if you are willing to give me a chance to prove myself.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:46283551 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined FLANK Security [6v6] profix
Left wer das liest ist doof [6v6] clip
Joined wer das liest ist doof [6v6] clip
Left Danger Dogs [6v6] Steve!
Joined Danger Dogs [6v6] .kr4tos
Left Politically correct pander [6v6] RazorsEdge
Joined Politically correct pander [6v6] Hildreth
Left # [6v6] RazorsEdge
Joined # [6v6] .kr4tos
Left Animate [6v6] RazorsEdge
Joined Team Colonslash [LAN Team] .kr4tos
Left Germany [National Highlander Team] basH.
Joined Animate [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left Politically correct pander [6v6] RazorsEdge
Joined Politically correct pander [6v6] Hildreth
Left Animate [6v6] RazorsEdge
Joined Animate [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left Trick17 Black [6v6] RazorsEdge
Joined Germany [National Highlander Team] RazorsEdge
Joined RazorsEdge [1v1] RazorsEdge
Joined Trick17 [Highlander] RazorsEdge
Left ZeFerkelz Highlander [Highlander] RazorsEdge
Joined Trickduo [2v2] slate
Joined ZeFerkelz Highlander [Highlander] fl0w
Joined Trick17 Black [6v6] RazorsEdge
Left Blood Brothers [6v6] RazorsEdge
Joined Blood Brothers [6v6] RazorsEdge
Left Blood Brothers [6v6] RazorsEdge
Joined Blood Brothers [6v6] RazorsEdge

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem/Div 1 1 679
View Prem/Div 1 8 1098
View Prem/Div 1 3 819
View Prem/Div 1 13 1727
View Div 1 1 494
View Div 1 13 1573
View Div 1 17 1269
View Div 2 0 221


  1. ryb: nR said:

    Has potential and is commited. Thumbs up :=)

  2. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:

    “as my brothers and my new team”

    am i wrong or wasn’t this team called “team kratos” ?

  3. Haunter said:

    Really commited guy, and lot of potential.

  4. MR.SVINS: alus - P.O.P said:


  5. Exon.: o/ said:

    easy prem kisss kisss


  6. Nikola said:

    best keener eu

  7. Herr_P: .:[aAa]:. said:

    would poke his genitals at lan, xoxo

    (should be able to do d1 ez and probably prem given some time. Got potential and plays good on the flank)

  8. RazorsEdge: FLANK - trick17 said:


  9. Brego: O-O said:

    Such scout
    Good strong
    Kratos brother (huge +)
    MGE Pro pewpew
    Very Teamplay

  10. RazorsEdge: FLANK - trick17 said:
