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DemomanMedic  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

European [T-A!] Div Shesh

Posted by CapricorN: | Last Online:

Yo, we're Team Awesome Div Shesh. We've tied 1st place in Division 6N and we are looking forward to advance in divisions. We currently need only a main medic and a main demoman.

What we have –
– Our own + T-A community mumble
– T-A Community servers
– Anal jokes

What we expect from you –
– Some experience in previous seasons
– Be able to play atleast 2 times a week
– Have mumble,tf2,etf2l and a prepared anus.
-Friendly is only optional (we're actually Team Assholes)

Contact General CaspeR for anything or write down the class you'd like to be trialed for in the comment section, and ill add you myself!

Team Profile

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5 1 417
View Div 5 3 389
View Div 4/Div 5 12 995
View Div 5/Div 6 0 234


  1. Phnx: kZk said:

    You will probably play a tie breaker soon to see who won the table.

  2. General CaspeR: YH said:

    Not happening in this division, mate. Even if it is, and well lose, 2nd is still div5.

  3. Phnx: kZk said:

    did I imply 2nd isn’t div 5?
    still div 5, just mentioned you should prepare to it and probably find mercs for this since you can’t add players now.

  4. wackey: 4SKINGS said:

    phoenix why the hell would u care ?

  5. Phnx: kZk said:

    why the hell you comment?

  6. General CaspeR: YH said:

    Still have the previous roster on

  7. N's Szőkee: N`s - -ЯB- said:

    1st place ?:) Well we were the only team who just raped you guys :)

  8. General CaspeR: YH said:

    Wanna play against the roster that won the last couple of games?

  9. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    It begins

  10. N's Szőkee: N`s - -ЯB- said:

    i dont mind :)

  11. Dillon said:

    I can tryout if you like

  12. AndrewByrne said:

    Don’t take this the wrong way but on what basis are even putting in the ‘div 4/’ skill part. Yous are a new team and granted Yous did well in the metalworks cup and in Div 6 this season so congrats. however, i don’t see any of your players having official experience above div 5. why not simply put div 5 skill which is less misleading.

  13. General CaspeR: YH said:

    Well, simply since the current roster is all div 5 skilled and by the time of the next season might be 4. keep them all open, lad.

  14. marez: vc - 9 ☆ said:

    rolled them as a team which was 6th in d5 they are d6 shit -rep -shit

  15. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    shots fired

  16. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    dont pay attention to marez please,hes just a brainless moron

  17. Greg said:

    bad team ez 5-0 to us lel

  18. General CaspeR: YH said:

    And you are…?

  19. Phnx: kZk said:

    He is the leader of Yuval NooB_KilleR’s teams 8).
    watch out, he is gud.

  20. General CaspeR: YH said:
