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DemomanScoutSoldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Germany PaRa

Posted: | Last Online:

Eyo guys

LF a D4 team as a main Pocket or Scout, probably Demo also

I've been playing both classes quite a long time, pretty much these are the 2 classes I played almost all the time. I've tried Demo and Roamer, not my real thing but I might change my mind.

Been playing since S4 in a funteam, my first real competetive experience from ETF2L as far as the history thingy goes was in the 6v6 2010 ladder, I've also played ESL a long time ago. Now that I've stuck around in D5 for so long and people telling me I can do better, I'm certain that I'm set for D4. I'm a calm non-bitchy guy who knows what jokes and fun are.

Cya, feel free to add me. I can do a div higher for shits and giggles, but no guarantees. C:

(Deutsches Team wär eig auch nett und so…)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:38885980 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Doctors Of Mediocrity [Highlander] PaRa
Left xd4$lolmeinetastaturklebt [2v2] PaRa
Left hier ist eig nichts [6v6] PaRa
Joined hier ist eig nichts [6v6] PaRa
Left Dropped! [6v6] PaRa
Joined Dropped! [6v6] peQs
Left Friendly Friends [6v6] PaRa
Joined Doctors Of Mediocrity [Highlander] DizAmbiguation
Left ManTouchéd is Bad [Highlander] PaRa
Joined ManTouchéd is Bad [Highlander] Lyrete
Joined Friendly Friends [6v6] PornFlake
Left 210 cigarette smokeorz [6v6] PaRa
Joined 210 cigarette smokeorz [6v6] Thaigrr
Left Doctors Of Mediocrity [Highlander] PaRa
Joined Popo-Club [6v6 Fun Team] PaRa
Left Professional Porno Ping Pong Players [6v6] PaRa
Joined xd4$lolmeinetastaturklebt [2v2] PaRa
Joined Doctors Of Mediocrity [Highlander] DizAmbiguation
Left Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] PaRa
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Scissors
Left Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] PaRa
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] PaRa
Left Viscous and Delicious [Highlander] PaRa
Joined Viscous and Delicious [Highlander] PaRa
Joined Para [1v1] PaRa
Left Dead Man Sells HL [Highlander] PaRa
Joined Professional Porno Ping Pong Players [6v6] PaRa
Left Friendly Friends [6v6] PornFlake
Joined Dead Man Sells HL [Highlander] PaRa
Left Guardians of Disorder Community [Highlander] PaRa
Joined Friendly Friends [6v6] PaRa
Joined Guardians of Disorder Community [Highlander] PaRa
Left Conecpt-Esport [6v6] Spat
Joined Conecpt-Esport [6v6] Spat
Left Conecpt-Esport [6v6] Spat
Joined Conecpt-Esport [6v6] Spat
Left The Easy Company [6v6] PaRa
Joined The Easy Company [6v6] Blacky

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View Div 4 1 186
View Div 4 4 308
View Div 4 0 243
View Div 4/Div 5 9 420
View Div 5 0 186


  1. Scottylein said:

    Nice and strong guy, can also call the internet police and help you in different things, hope you will find anything gl :)

  2. OCTANE said:

    “pretty much these are the 2 classes I played almost all the time” l0l

  3. PaRa said:

    ^^^^ psst… and demo for almost half a year… but psst, scout & pocket only (Y)

  4. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Nice guy, good player

  5. Mr. Guy: *fast - §GOLD said:

    “I’ve also played in alot of D4/5 mixes”

    Aka, I stomp them and ruin the fun for opposing demos *cough* D:

    Great dude, amazing player. Get him already (he’s german tho)..

  6. Indigo[CW]: [CWC] said:

    ich wäre ja für ein JENA team :)

  7. WLAN-Kabel: [CWC] said:

    really enjoyed playing in a team with him for the past year, definetly a good and reliable player

  8. .Constantine: (ETF2L Tomator) - (ノಠOಠ)ノ said:

    Is KK ++1a but ragequits if the enemies have an engie ;)

  9. PaRa said:

    boohooo, it was 2 engies :C

  10. .Constantine: (ETF2L Tomator) - (ノಠOಠ)ノ said:

    And he came back :p good guy overall, good player take him as long as he’s not taken yet :D

  11. Toffi: ;( - und Rasiert said:

    Amazing player, always concentrated while still being funny.

  12. Com-Cat said:

    Bester Mannnnnn > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAaBJojysNU

  13. clip: ist doof said:


  14. DamnEasy said:

    can surely do d3, also pro sniper

  15. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    cooler typ

  16. Caeli: #T4F said:

    he can do both at d4, probably better pocket than scout though.
    gl man ^^

  17. DizAmbiguation: GD - Dr. med. said:

    Paranoid ftw, just let him play Scout AND Pocket at the same time, he will carry so hard the enemies will think your team took viagra.

  18. PaRa said:

    ^ l0l

  19. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    He steals my kills in HL.

    Pick him up, good choice.

  20. lacrimosa said:

    capable to play in team, get him

  21. Riot: {VM} said:

    bester mann

  22. clip: ist doof said:


  23. PaRa said:

    ew, nah man, just naaah

  24. PaRa said:

    (bump, because I had to scroll down to see my post, oh the drama)

  25. AEsirson: NOM - Dr. med. said:

    Very friendly and good player. We had a lot of fun together.

  26. kuli: (EF2TL Doatnor) - BMS said:

    Never tells when coming around corners in HL. Makes his demo mad blowing stickies all the time for nothing. <3

  27. Wannabe: 5P. - |DU| said:

    mit ihm läufts

  28. PaRa said:

    kuli, musst vonner guten seite aus sehen, wenigstens weißte jetzt von mir dass du gute reaktionszeiten hast. :D

  29. S!MON: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Pocket this guy and let him kill the enemy team with pipes only :) He deserves a spot in Div4!

  30. Chakuza™ said:

    Paranoid LFT D4: http://etf2l.org/recruitment/175001/
    Paranoid LFT D4: was cooles aufm rec post bitte, ich hab erstaunlicherweise immernoch kein trial ;)

    bitte hoffe es ist cool genug (>*_*)>

  31. PaRa said:

    danke für den bump