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SniperSpy  Div 4 Skill, Highlander

England MS

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey guys, looks like [é] aren't participating in ETF2L, so here I am looking for a team to click on backs, or click on heads for, I may be able to play Spy at div 3 level if needed, but there are better choices out there than me, for sniper, I dont mind playing div 5, I just want to play :)

I should also note that I am currently only looking for a team for ETF2L.

Here is my previous competitive experience in TF2 for ones who dont know me:
2012 UGC Steel, Season 8 Spy for team Équipe – Position 31 of 67: Winning 4/8 games.
2012 ETF2L Division 6, Season 3 Spy for team Équipe – 5/6 in the table
2012 Round Robin Spy for team Équipe – Nobody ever told me what place we came :'c
2012 T-A Cup Spy for team Équipe – 2nd Place
2013 UGC Steel, Season 9 Spy for team Équipe – Playoffs
2013 Round Robin Spy for team Équipe – 2nd place in group
2013 ETF2L Division 6, Season 4 as Spy for team Équipe
2013 UGC HL S9 EU Steel – All-Star Spy
2013 Wireplay Division 2, Season 10 as Spy for team Équipe
2013 UGC Silver, Season 10 Spy for team Équipe
NOW UGC Silver, Season 11 Spy for team Équipe

PS: Hi SmitZ <3

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:77294380 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined 0 Friends Online [Highlander] HartzFartz
Left Inactive [Highlander] MS
Joined 6 Friends Offline [6v6] TheMasterOfDisaster
Joined Inactive [Highlander] Norbi
Left Cult of M A S O N [Highlander] MS
Joined Cult of M A S O N [Highlander] Villdjack
Left Redundant Brackets [6v6] MS
Left Massive Legends Here [Highlander] Josh
Joined Massive Legends Here [Highlander] Josh
Left inVision [Highlander] MS
Joined inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] MS
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Leila
Left Cult of M A S O N [Highlander] MS
Joined Cult of M A S O N [Highlander] Villdjack
Left Meowing Kitties [Highlander] MS
Joined Meowing Kitties [Highlander] _kate_
Left Cult of M A S O N [Highlander] MS
Joined Cult of M A S O N [Highlander] Villdjack
Left Little Sister's Deathwish [Highlander] MS
Joined Little Sister's Deathwish [Highlander] Puke
Left Stacked [Highlander] MS
Joined Eevee Lovers [2v2] MS
Left Pokemon Masters [2v2] MS
Joined Stacked [Highlander] b33p
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] JoeN
Joined Redundant Brackets [6v6] Forty-Two
Left F.B.I (Female Body Inspectors) [6v6] MS
Joined F.B.I (Female Body Inspectors) [6v6] Lin
Left Redundant Brackets [6v6] MS
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Leila
Left Actually Killed by Highlander [Highlander] MS
Joined Redundant Brackets [6v6] Forty-Two
Left FOR THE LOLS! [6v6] MS
Joined Actually Killed by Highlander [Highlander] Aoshi
Left Highlander Time [Highlander] MS
Joined Highlander Time [Highlander] Kuferl
Left [é]quipe 2 [Highlander] MS
Joined Engineer MGE makes you good! [1v1] MS
Joined FOR THE LOLS! [6v6] MS
Left Medic is a DM Class [6v6] MS
Joined Pokemon Masters [2v2] MS
Joined Medic is a DM Class [6v6] Widd3rshins
Left Team Colonslash: Strike [6v6] MS
Joined [é]quipe 2 [Highlander] MS
Left Team Colonslash: Crash [Highlander] MS
Joined Team Colonslash: Strike [6v6] Bob Bami
Joined Age Sex Position [6v6 Fun Team] MS
Joined Team Colonslash: Crash [Highlander] Munky
Left [É]quipe [Highlander] MS
Joined [É]quipe [Highlander] Accident
Left To Be Honest You Suck [Highlander] ScrollLock.
Joined To Be Honest You Suck [Highlander] MS
Left [É]quipe [Highlander] MS
Joined [É]quipe [Highlander] Accident

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View High/Mid 0 325
View Prem/High 8 648
View Prem/High 5 638
View High/Mid 9 653
View High/Prem 8 777
View Mid/High 14 1167
View High 13 816
View High 26 1150
View High 21 1099
View Div 1/Div 2 22 1298
View Div 3/Div 4 9 846
View Div 4 5 619


  1. Accident: [é] said:

    MS is great and one of the main reasons I fought to keep us together for ETF. If he leaves, we might never get him back!

    He’s a cocky little s**t at times but he’s a good guy, great in Mumble, has a good sense of humour and works hard to better himself at every stage. Never missed a match or scrim without plenty of prior warning. Always turns up early eager to go.

    As spy, his calls are clear and his picks smart. He works well with the team to take out nests and times his picks for pushes.

    As sniper, his aim is consistent and as with anything else, always looking to improve.

    Oh and let’s not forget, he was picked for the all-stars team last season!

  2. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    I caused a huge shitstorm last time, but I honestly don’t think he is d4 lvl. Gl though

  3. Notorious H.O.T. said:

    good spy, great calls, gamesensed etc etc he knows his shit and he has a lot of experience now. pick him up

  4. Piddox: Fe | said:

    Fun guy and good spy, should definitely give div 3 a shot.

    btw: equipe not playing :(

  5. Pistolvania said:

    Have yet to see him snipe, but he had surprisingly good amby aim when we faced [é] this week. I think he can do d4 as spy.

  6. Salmiakki: Pinturillo - [é] said:

    Good player, top tier radio voice

  7. Tetrix: catgirl.tf said:


  8. Tetrix: catgirl.tf said:

    He also tricked stabbed me once on swiftwater

  9. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    Always enjoyed playing with him when mixing, lobbying or mercing. Polite and fun, made me apologize to the enemy team once because i lost my temper.

    I avoid playing against him when he is Spy, maybe because he likes to stab especially me in the back, but probably because ou just never know where he decloaks and picks people.

    As spy, div 3/4 possible without a doubt. Have not seen him snipe a lot, I remember him using machina and putting a lot of time into it.

    Trial him, you wont regret it. Good Luck, MS!

    PS: [é] :(

  10. phantomwolf said:

    Decent spy, could handle div 4 well imo, needs to work a bit on calls to remember which side of the map he’s on ;D other than that all good

  11. SmitZ said:

    You capitalised the Z. <3

  12. ReseF: 2MNYCHDS said:

    not div 4

  13. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    Now that he has both at the same time (a PC that can do more than 15fps AND an internetconnection that is not coming from cyprus) there are no limits for him on Spy. Can easily do Div4, could also do div 3 with ease. Sky is the limit. Great calls, great awareness, good target choices.

    Can’t really say much about his sniping, but also I kinda dont know anyone who is so keen on getting better and working for it, so getting him in on sniper would be a good choice too.

    AND he runs jarate :)

  14. skyro: #SaveMelee said:

    very good player, pick him up

  15. Munky: AEUGH said:

    A really lovely guy. Can very comfortably play at that level.

  16. Asaaj said:

    why not div3

  17. Dandere said:

    Lovely guy, and a massive try hard who is willing to improve and listen to criticism. Has clear comms and doesn’t make dumb choices. Can do Div 4 with ease. Also 10/10 frag movies.

  18. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    Should probably handle div4 mainly because of the experience he has.

  19. Seksy: :-) said:

    fuck spy mains they are bad at this game

  20. MS: 0fo - 0FO said:

    I’ve had a couple offers that are looking good, but still haven’t been given a confirmed spot, so I’m still looking I guess.

  21. ScrollLock. said:

    good player!

  22. Kay: s*x said:

    ye ye div4 fo real dogg

  23. MS: 0fo - 0FO said:

    Found a team, thank you for your feedback posts ect.