ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European Addict e-Sports // Turquoise

Posted by JackyLegs: | Last Online:

We're looking for a Pocket Soldier.
What we excpect from you:
Important: Have atleast one season in div 4, or if you did really great on division 5.
-Can play most days of the week, active in-game.
-Always tries to improve.
-Good English.
-A sense of humor.
-Be calm, not a rager.
-Doesn't want to leave the team if we lose a scrim.
What you can excpect from us:
-Play most of the week, not Friday.
-Mumble + Server (Thanks to addict!)
-Clean calls.
-We watch demos, learn from our mistakes.
-We tend to not argue in game, but make constructive criticism to help improve each other.
-Also play bball, ultiduo, mge together before scrim / official.
-Friendly ;).
We only need a Pocket Soldier, whom can play our last 3 officials and perhaps go forword with us into the next division.
We're on a decent streak, have a chance to take 1st, currently 2nd place in our bracket.
Add JackyLegs if you want to get trialed, were going to be looking for a short period of time (up until a day before our official comes, that's when we need to get you in).

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One Comment

  1. BraveHeart: GOALstar said:

    We are still looking for a Pocket Soldier! We are trialing tommorow (23/10) since 20:00 CEST.
    add me (BraveHeart) or JackyLegs for details