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EngineerScoutSoldierSpy  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, Highlander

England Tanuki_cana

Posted: | Last Online:

Mr Wong's Fair Spirits has unfortunately folded with 3 wins and 0 losses ._.

I am therefore looking for a new team for both UGC and ETF2L.

Able to play all the listed classes at d1/2 skill level.

I can also play Medic, Pyro, and Sniper to a low d2/high d3 standard.

I am more than happy to trial for main or sub spots, esp as I consider one of my biggest strengths to be my ability to play almost any class well at the drop of the hat (almost any – d6+ demo :/)

Feel free to add me for a trial! My most recent mainclassing has been scout/engy, but I will try out for most classes.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:20503717 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined WackyWavingInflatableArmFlailingTubeMen [6v6] Emsee
Left d-d-Did I Stutter? [6v6] Fenrir
Joined d-d-Did I Stutter? [6v6] Fenrir
Left Team Awesome! [6v6] Tanuki_cana
Joined Team-Awesome! [Highlander] Rob!
Left Fair Enough [Highlander] Tanuki_cana
Joined Fair Enough [Highlander] Flood
Left Mr. Wong's Fair Spirits [Highlander] Tanuki_cana
Joined Mr. Wong's Fair Spirits [Highlander] Candle
Left Team-Awesome! [Highlander] Tanuki_cana
Left Sparkles [1v1] Tanuki_cana
Joined Sparkles [1v1] Tanuki_cana
Joined Danuki Sparkquatch [2v2] Tanuki_cana
Left Awesome Tanukcles! [2v2] Tanuki_cana
Joined Awesome Tanukcles! [2v2] Tanuki_cana
Joined Team Awesome! [6v6] Tanuki_cana
Joined Team-Awesome! [Highlander] Tanuki_cana
Left Trolling Bunnies Team JESUS [Highlander] Tanuki_cana
Left Intoxicated [6v6] Pricee
Joined Intoxicated [6v6] Tanuki_cana
Joined Trolling Bunnies Team JESUS [Highlander] Tanuki_cana
Left Trolling Bunnies Team JESUS [Highlander] Tanuki_cana
Left Haze eSports [6v6] Tanuki_cana
Joined Trolling Bunnies Team JESUS [Highlander] wnk1ee
Joined Haze eSports [6v6] Tanuki_cana
Left Sense [6v6] Radon
Joined Sense [6v6] Radon
Left Maffia is ree [6v6] Tanuki_cana
Joined Maffia is ree [6v6] Mortti

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View Div 1/Div 2 8 548
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  1. Python said:


  2. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    I’ve played in 2 teams with Tanuki and he’s a solid all-rounder. Clear, consise calls and the gamesense/DM to match. Nice lad too. Can handle Div 2+ no problem.

  3. Xearo: GTD said:

    This lad isn’t kidding when he says he can play pretty much any class. He’s a smart player, capable of playing div1/2 on brains alone.

  4. Tuto: 8-) said:

    No offense, but not div 1/2 imo. Spy and Soldier at a div 3 level max :/

    engy/scout you may be 1/2, haven’t seen you play those so can’t judge

  5. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    Doesn’t think you’re div 1/2 but never seen you play, whereas me, Python and Xaero have.

    A worthy comment indeed

  6. Flood said:

    Really nice guy who introduces himself at lan, unlike tutorial. Can vouch for his ability, +rep.

  7. Tuto: 8-) said:

    @Flood LAN is overrated, but oh well cu@lan next yr

    @Russian Guyovich not sure if blind or dumb, but oh well thanks for a good laugh :D

  8. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    It’s alright Tutorial – nobody expects you to understand basic sentences

  9. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    You misread his post, and then don’t bother to reread it before insulting him ._.

  10. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    Wasn’t misread breh

  11. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    As he said, the classes he HASN’T seen him play, are not the ones he judge him on, just the ones he has seen

  12. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:


  13. Tuto: 8-) said:

    Russian Guyovich is a special child Scissors, thanks for taking the time, to explain him what was up :D cheers