ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


PyroSniperSoldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

Italy Anime Are Cartoons

Posted by Neurotoxic: | Last Online:

Hello, i'm an 18 Years old guy who wants to play in an hl team as Soldier,pyro or sniper (in order of preference) i'd like to play in open/mid or mid divisions

Languages spoken: English,Italian
Timezone: UTC/GMT+1
Availablility: Almost every day past 3-4 PM
Hours on Pyro: 350+
Hours on Soldier: 550+
Hours on Sniper: 630+
Total hours in TF2: almost 2500
Previous teams(UGC): Pantastic_crew (iron) ad main pyro; Scambi&Scazzi (steel) Main Soldier
Previous teams(ETF2L): Morti Male, ma in soldier
Working microphone: Yes
Mumble/TeamSpeak: Yes

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  1. Vinusan said:

    I am from the UK would you still accept me in the team? Like after trial etc. of course.

  2. giulioxd_1997: GGENGI said:

    of course Vinusan

  3. Vinusan said:

    in that case I will try and remember to message you on steam or when im online message me too :) I will do whatver is needed like mix with the rest of the team or mge or trial etc. People have thought for me to have well over 1000hours judging by my skill but I have less. So I think I have the potential needed for the team :D I’m always willing to get better and dont take any criticism harshly. Msg me! :D

  4. tuckoto: [syz] said:

    im british and want to get in as med add me if you want http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058282530/

  5. AJ:) said:

    im interested but cant speak italian

  6. yoyoman2: [T&O] said:

    I would like to trail as a scout