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DemomanScoutSniperSoldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom maggles!

Posted: | Last Online:

Hoi, Looking for a Spot in a Div 1/2 team for scout, Div 2 team as Soldier or Div 2/3 as demo.

I'm committed to the game. I'm more than willing to play every night Sun – Thurs.
I've been playing the game forever with extended gaps due to being in the military, but I am now in a stable location with no expectations to have time off.

Very good knowledge of the game and a lot of higher level experience. Give me a trial and see for your self.

Peace out bitches.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:2242775 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined clanda [6v6] b0nes
Left clanda [6v6] b0nes
Joined clanda [6v6] b0nes
Left Animate [6v6] maggles!
Joined Animate [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left clanda [6v6] maggles!
Joined clanda [6v6] b0nes
Left Animate [6v6] maggles!
Joined Animate [6v6] maggles!
Left vier // blu R.I.P. [6v6] .kr4tos
Joined vier // blu R.I.P. [6v6] maggles!
Left Trick17 Black [6v6] maggles!
Joined Trick17 Black [6v6] maggles!
Left clanda [6v6] maggles!
Joined clanda [6v6] maggles!
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] maggles!
Joined cLanda [Highlander] maggles!
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] maggles!
Left Oh ho ho its tragic [6v6] maggles!
Joined Oh ho ho its tragic [6v6] Wlkr
Left Kings of Vertex [6v6 Fun Team] maggles!
Left Perilous Gaming [6v6] maggles!
Joined Perilous Gaming [6v6] howdeh
Left Vertex3 [6v6] maggles!
Joined Vertex3 [6v6] maggles!
Left Team Vertex - Retired Edition [6v6] d2m
Joined Kings of Vertex [6v6 Fun Team] d2m
Joined Team Vertex - Retired Edition [6v6] maggles!
Left Pitchfork [6v6] maggles!
Joined Pitchfork [6v6] maggles!
Joined Mile-Away Meatshots [2v2] Wlkr
Left jizz in my pants [6v6] maggles!
Joined ze maggles? [1v1] maggles!
Joined jizz in my pants [6v6] maggles!
Left fight club united kingdom [6v6] Mav-Moonshine
Joined fight club united kingdom [6v6] Mav-Moonshine

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View Div 2/Div 3 6 317
View Div 2/Div 3 24 601


  1. RazorsEdge: FLANK - trick17 said:

    Good scout who can easily go for the lvl he is applying for.
    Lots of love. <3

  2. inferius: Dline said:

    He is fucking good as scout and demo i tho solly aswell ehehe :P , anyway he deserve a good team PICK HIM UP NOW!!

  3. svins: alus - P.O.P said:

    game knowledge

  4. mrwhizz said:

    his pretty good

  5. inferius: Dline said:
