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ScoutSniper  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom maggles!

Posted: | Last Online:

Soooo…I'm getting bored of MMO gaming, and want to get back into TF2. Changed my mind, I want to play scout and if I'm honest I could play it at div2 level now, but I'm happy to join a team below who are going to progress. I just want to play regular comp play with people I like.

Anyhow, me:
avail 1800-2400 Sunday-Thursday
have the game sense from before, but slightly rusty DM (will come back once I start playing regularly again)
UK, attended Easter and Summer i-Series for years with no plans of that stopping. (highlander grandfinal professional from i46)

If I'm honest I don't care if the team is super keen at going pro, or if they are not… all I'm after is some regular competitive play and progressing form there based on the environment that I end up in.

Hit me up on steam bitches.

PS. if any Div2+ teams do want a scout get in contact, but my experience with the 6v6 community is that if you aint in the click people don't like taking chances / investing a few weeks with you ;)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:2242775 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined clanda [6v6] b0nes
Left clanda [6v6] b0nes
Joined clanda [6v6] b0nes
Left Animate [6v6] maggles!
Joined Animate [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left clanda [6v6] maggles!
Joined clanda [6v6] b0nes
Left Animate [6v6] maggles!
Joined Animate [6v6] maggles!
Left vier // blu R.I.P. [6v6] .kr4tos
Joined vier // blu R.I.P. [6v6] maggles!
Left Trick17 Black [6v6] maggles!
Joined Trick17 Black [6v6] maggles!
Left clanda [6v6] maggles!
Joined clanda [6v6] maggles!
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] maggles!
Joined cLanda [Highlander] maggles!
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] maggles!
Left Oh ho ho its tragic [6v6] maggles!
Joined Oh ho ho its tragic [6v6] Wlkr
Left Kings of Vertex [6v6 Fun Team] maggles!
Left Perilous Gaming [6v6] maggles!
Joined Perilous Gaming [6v6] howdeh
Left Vertex3 [6v6] maggles!
Joined Vertex3 [6v6] maggles!
Left Team Vertex - Retired Edition [6v6] d2m
Joined Kings of Vertex [6v6 Fun Team] d2m
Joined Team Vertex - Retired Edition [6v6] maggles!
Left Pitchfork [6v6] maggles!
Joined Pitchfork [6v6] maggles!
Joined Mile-Away Meatshots [2v2] Wlkr
Left jizz in my pants [6v6] maggles!
Joined ze maggles? [1v1] maggles!
Joined jizz in my pants [6v6] maggles!
Left fight club united kingdom [6v6] Mav-Moonshine
Joined fight club united kingdom [6v6] Mav-Moonshine

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View Div 2/Div 3 24 601


  1. FIR: SnG said:

    quality lad, gl

  2. maggles!: [DA] - [DA] said:


  3. Black_Bob: [DA] said:

    Top chap, great dm, vocal and drunk.

    Mag in a nutshell!

  4. maggles!: [DA] - [DA] said:

    Bump^ changed class ;o

  5. Coleman: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Really sound guy, trialed with us for Demo but his Norfolk.net wasn’t really doing him any favours. Can’t say enough nice things about him though. :) Good luck Mags.

  6. maggles!: [DA] - [DA] said:

    Job done, thanks for the love guys