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Scout  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

France sobolanu

Posted: | Last Online:

I just left my team because they are some immature kids, but whatever. I'm now looking for a div3/div4 team as a scout. What you can except from me:
-17 yo friendly frenchie (no, that's not an oxymoron)
-can play often enough
-not raging if there's no reason to rage. :>
-decent english
-decent brain/aim
-decent calls
-decent everything
-can take criticism and wants to improve

What I except from you:
-just don't be retards
-just don't be immature 13 years old kids
-don't fold after 3 days

Add me on steam if you wanna trial me. :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:29386679 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Romania [National 6v6 Team] tavi
Left redpandas.tf [6v6] sobolanu
Joined redpandas.tf [6v6] Kaylus
Left Popescu Esports powered by Razer & Intel [6v6] sobolanu
Joined Popescu Esports powered by Razer & Intel [6v6] Shampoo
Joined Romania [National 6v6 Team] sobolanu
Left Foreskings [6v6] wackey
Left Almighty [Highlander] sobolanu
Joined Foreskings [6v6] sobolanu
Joined Almighty [Highlander] sobolanu
Left TeKKen [6v6] sobolanu
Joined TeKKen [6v6] sobolanu
Left History# [6v6] Kaylus
Joined History# [6v6] BioS`

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 3 5 415
View Div 4 6 422
View Div 4 5 419
View Div 4/Div 5 4 348
View Div 5 4 396


  1. Samsa: alus said:

    decent div4 scout! dont think he can handle div3. can aim with the sniper rifle as well. gl finding a new team :)

  2. Blinky said:

    Cool dude, decent scout for div3.Good luck in search.

  3. wackey: 4SKINGS said:

    nice guy, good luck

  4. FLOWER: said:

    He is a good scout and also a good sniper! He is also a really cool guy! Can play div3. Gl!

  5. ByPrison said:

    He can play easily div3. GL!

  6. Kaylus: wL. - wL. said:

    He says “French”. The truth is, he got romanian blood. Half decent, half stoler.

    But he can handle div3 without a problem. Got a nice aim, not bad as sniper or pyro, pretty shitty spy though. Always fun to have on mumble but when the game start, you can count on him to be serious.

    PS : he don’t like people yelling or complaining in hebrew but who does ? :D

    GL lovely fellas

    PS2 : i got a nice picture of him with indian clothes, if you want it, trade me :>

  7. raiku: STR said:

    Up for d3.

  8. sobolanu said:

    Still searching :)

  9. tavi_96: hoes said:

    gl romanian fellow

  10. svins: alus - P.O.P said:

    div3 is shit so I guess you fit there..maybe

  11. sobolanu said:

    bumpin dat

  12. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    consider div4?

  13. sobolanu said:

    I think I’ve played enough div4, but thanks for the comment :)

  14. sobolanu said:

    But yeah at least I can play, no offense man ;)

  15. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    it wasn’t a jibe, i haven’t seen you play. i meant maybe you should consider stable div4 teams if you’re still looking

  16. sobolanu said:

    oh, well excuse my bad english then, blame french english teachers :> I will consider it if I have no other choice, but yeah I say “d3/4” in the post, so don’t hesitate to add me guys :):)